I have endometriosis and it seems like growths are coming back only two years after removal. My specialist is just going to do a hysterectomy to nip the issue in the bud.
I’m so happy that I could cry. I’ve wanted one for so long and I’m finally getting it!
I was so close to canceling my appointment today because I missed so much work already this week. So glad I didn’t!
I’m confused… if you wanted one, what was preventing your doctor from fulfilling your request?
Is this like some kind of misguided / moral bullshit about gender roles? My doctor tried to talk me out of a vasectomy for similar bullshit. I found a better physician.
It’s 100% gender roles bullshit.
Time to find a better doc. Make sure to verbosely note why you’re leaving their practice, these shitstains only continue it because there’s no consequences professionally.
Oh, no, this doc is the one that listened to me. It was the 3 before her that didn’t.
She removed my endometriosis two years ago and told me she’d gladly do a hysterectomy if the pain came back. She emphasized that there was a 60-70% chance of the pain coming back. A hysterectomy is a pretty drastic surgery, so she couldn’t medically justify it to the insurance at the time she removed the endometriosis. She can medically justify it now because my pelvic pain is back, indicating more endometriosis has appeared.
The other 3 doctors told me I’d change my mind about kids and to think of my future husband. I’m gay and kids deeply upset me. I don’t need a uterus. In fact, my uterus is more trouble than anything else.