• Jordan Lund@lemmy.one
    1 year ago

    I can’t help you if you continue denying the reality of the situation.

    The highest court in the country has ruled. That’s it. It’s over. They are going to make more gun rulings and I guarantee it will get worse.

    The court DOES NOT CARE what you, or I, or anyone else thinks about their rulings, they don’t have to because they know there’s absolutely no check on their power. They can’t be overturned, the House and Senate won’t impeach them, and Biden will never pack the court (if he did, the next Republican President would just re-pack it the other way.)

    They might get overturned in 50 years, like Roe did, but that seems highly unlikely given how the court is becoming more conservative, not less conservative. In my life there have only been 5 Democratic appointees to the court compared to 14 Republican ones.

    I’m not asking you to LIKE it. I’m asking you to acknowledge that the court and it’s rulings are not illegitimate. They are a function of our founding document and denying that is to deny what it means to be an American.