Throughout 2024, the Guardian aimed to report on every woman allegedly killed by a man, drawing on the work of campaigns such as Counting Dead Women, the Femicide Census and Killed Women.

In recent years in the UK, a woman has been killed by a man every three days on average, yet most of their stories have gone unheard. The Guardian wants to help change that.

This year, the toll of women whose deaths have led to a man being charged has reached 80. Here, we mark each of their lives.

None of these incidents are linked in any way other than that a woman has been killed and a man charged in connection with her death.

    3 months ago

    According to data I shouldn’t be getting into any relationship with a woman because they’re the leading perpetrators of psychological violence. I could be driven into depression, into suicide, even to be physically violent.

    Can we please the fuck stop weaponising the behaviour of assclowns. On either side.