Happy new year guys!😀 Just now, it hit midnight here, and it’s officially 2025. I was playing Pennon and Battle, and I realized it’s the last game I played in 2024!! That gave it a different kind of meaning. Now I’m curious, what was the last game you played in 2024?
Wife was sick and in bed early, so I rang in the new year with Balatro! It was my last of 24 and first of 25.
Anyone else feel like this is just a gateway drug to gambling addiction?
Breath of the Wild. Enjoying it so far
Slay The Spire - finally beat the heart.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2
Same. Quick review: it’s so much like the old game that I’m fucking loving it
Skyrim… First try with adamant perks.
Why do people still play this game??
Why not ? There is so much mods that you can play new adventures, with the feeling of being at home.
The base game is full of flaws, but the community makes it really enjoyable.
The balance of skills, the graphics, even the story can be changed. That’s why I like to play it again and again. I can play a Skyrim that people built. And with the perks mod, I can build so much differents characters, I really love that.
And with skyblivion coming this year, I’m not even close to stop playing it.
its the potato chips of video games. You can even add your own flavors
Skyrim is a great game, what are you on about?
Why not? If they enjoy it, more power to them.
There’s no law that says you can’t replay games you’ve enjoyed.
Phantasy Star Online on the GameCube. And I was actually online. Crazy huh.
Helldivers 2
outer wilds
That game made my head hurt but I so wish I could play it again for the first time. It was so fun
I just stole someone’s sweet role.
Roll? Or is this some kind of lie I’m not Khajiit enough to understand?
Roal, role, roll, maters not to this one. If you need words ask the Telvanni, if you need maids seek the Argonian, if you desire paths follow the moon.
Stellaris. As a hyper-aggressive, warmongering, Rome-obsessed species of lovebirds. All the organic aliens have been turned into GMO livestock and all the machine aliens have been forced into slavery. I bomb the planets into oblivion not because I need to, but because I imagine my pretty birds would enjoy doing it.
Factorio : Space Age
Dragon Age: Origins. Never got around to finishing it before.
This is my last one, too. First time playing it, about 30 hours in now. Planning to play through all the older DA games before doing another playthrough of Veilguard.
Nice! I started it 3 or 4 times but got distracted. Having a much easier time staying focused now, so I’m playing through Ultimate Edition. I don’t plan on doing the rest, though - will go to Baldur’s Gate 3 after this one.
Cat Quest 3 on the Switch with my wife
That sounds very cute
Oh, I didn’t even realize it’s already out!
Is that the pirate cat game? That was a fun game. I love puns and cats, so I’m very biased.
Baldurs Gate 3 split screen with my wife.
BG3 has a split screen!?
I have heard it doesn’t run quite well on PS5… Now I wonder if this mode is available there and if it is better or worse lol.
We’re playing on XBox Series X, and it behaves reasonably well. We typically split-screen while exploring, and merge the screens during battles.
When playing Divinity:Original Sin 2 we remained in merged screens 90% of the time, but for some reason it feels off in BG3, so we go with the merge only in battles.
I definitely need to read more about this… I (kinda) compare BG3 with The Witcher 3, and I would have enjoyed playing TW3 a lot with my gf for sure! (Not sure if she would like the whole run though).
Witcher 3 is my number 1 game of all time. My wife won’t play it because she hates Geralt’s voice.
TIL somebody is able to hate Geralt’s voice.
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