US officials have said they are monitoring the developing situation. “Our thoughts are with the French people fighting for democracy,” said the White House Spokesperson, adding that any attempts by Macron to use violence to stifle the peaceful protests will be met with condemnation and heavy sanctions.

Meanwhile, in Bruxelles Ursula von der Leyen said that it is obvious the French people want change and freedom. “We have been worried by reports coming from France, the EU stands with the people of France and will do anything to help assist a peaceful transition of power”, she said.

In cities across Europe people have come out into the street to protest against Macron, holding banners that say “Macron = murderer” and “ICC Trial for Macron now!” Countries bordering France have increased security on their borders and all European airline operators have temporarily suspended flights to and from France.

Many are saying Macron will not go without a fight, describing him as an old, sick man with nothing to lose, desperately clinging to power.

    3 months ago

    adding that any attempts by Macron to use violence to stifle the peaceful protests will be met with condemnation and heavy sanctions.

    This would be so funny

      3 months ago

      Are we in the timeline where NATO has a redemption arc, invading each of its members in turn and distracting the colonialists from their neo-colonial projects? I can’t see it but I’ll keep my fingers crossed.