Fucking classic. I remember the one they had about a fed raid on state sanction dispensary. Same advice, shut the fuck up, it is up to them to prove why you’re there.
This is the legal advice that SovCits are looking for. The secret code word to get out of jail and avoid responsibility for unjust claims is to follow the script.
Only ever say the following, “I am not discussing my day.” “Am I being detained?” “I invoke the fifth.” Say nothing else.
The one step they never follow, however, is to comply. The above isn’t a magic spell to make police go away. They may still detain or arrest you, and trying to stop them will not go well, but (at least in a just country) they can’t compel you to provide evidence against yourself. Just shut the fuck up.
Another great one
Also, the original: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RkN4duV4ia0
Thanks for posting the original, and also yeah the other video is a great one too!
I’m a failure. The one I linked wasn’t the original.
Here it is:
These dudes are legends!