It was on my list because of the soundtrack, so when I didn’t hear the iconic track at all during the movie I looked it up.

Turns out that there is a re-scored version with a completely different soundtrack, and that was the version we got…

. Featuring an exclusive new soundtrack curated by Zane Lowe.

I will be watching this movie again next weekend, with the proper soundtrack

    4 months ago

    NBC and owners of scrubs were the worst for it. Scrubs had an iconic soundtrack that picked songs for the exact mood of the story, but then licenses expired and they just chose cheaper songs. I don’t care how much it costs, when “I will try to fix you” comes on I immediately start tearing up.

    Edit: Found this -

    So many in there that are obvious just cheap replacements. This one made me legit angry:

    • My Ocardial Infarction (S4E13) - end scene; JD takes a deep breath as per Elliot’s advice, and handles trainwreck patient very well
      • DVD song: “All Kinds of Time” by Fountains of Wayne
      • Netflix song: Unknown instrumental