Well. Finally happened. Highsided and landed on my right shoulder. Luckily I was going fairly slow and got immediate help. Right now I’m waiting on surgery to pin my collar and am in agony. Anyone have any tips dealing with this type of injury?
Ribs too? ouch, I broke a collar bone and slashed an ankle. Played world of warcraft for five weeks, not moving much until they knitted helped, lost a lot of weight. Never played WoW again after. You shouldn’t be in so much pain in about three days after the swelling goes down.
Buy a Steam Deck and try not to think about breathing? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah not too impressed with the deck tbh. Can’t install anything just get errors.
Not sure why people are downvoting you just for stating you’ve not had a great experience. I love the idea of the steam deck and really wanna see it succeed, but someone not having a good experience hardly seems like a good reason to downvote all of their comments
Just Linux fan boys. NBD
That’s more of a “you” problem.
Installing Firefox out of the box shouldn’t require reinstalling flat paks.
And now as a coherent sentence that actually describes your problem.
Ribs seem to take a long time to heal. I highsided in the dirt a few weeks back and it still hurts to breathe deeply.
As difficult as it’s going to be, when the time comes, be absolutely consistent in your physical therapy exercises, for the short term and in years to come.
This crap will come back to haunt you later in life, so the more consistent effort you put into it going forward, the less it’s going to be an issue.
That said, I’ve found 2 things have really helped with similar injuries - a very good deep-tissue massage therapist (sessions should be like PT, challenging to do), and yoga.
What people never explain about yoga is why it’s effective: because each exercise is a combination of stretching one set of muscles while complementary muscles are stabilizing.
Drugs. Take painkillers. Meditation works for some people. Stay distracted. I played FTL on an iPad for weeks when recovering from several broken bones.
Sucks how delicate the collar is, I snapped mine on a bicycle against a pedestrian who stepped out. Stay busy, maybe take a class or something constructive.
Uff ribs are brutal, and assuming the collarbone is no walk in the park either. Can you talk to your doctor about a prescription for pain meds until the surgery?