After having success with a sleep routine (that starts 1 hour earlier from when I want to fall asleep) and seeing someone mention morning routines and reset routines (“A reset routine is something you do when you’re feeling super unfocused”) I wanted to know yours, so that I can better craft and tailor mine.

    10 months ago

    Honestly the best thing I’ve done for my mornings isn’t even a routine per se, it’s just “No social media”.

    Texting is fine, texting does the social I forget. Getting distracted is fine, as long as it’s something where I am and not a screen. Being bored is fine, when I’m bored I’m likely to try to think of things to do, which reminds me of the things I already have on my list to do.

    I’m pretty bad at this rule, but the days I manage to stick to it are good days. I can have social media once I start the things I’m actually doing and have made some progress.

    I just use a lot of phone alarms for stuff I absolutely cannot forget.

    What’s your reset routine? I don’t have one, haven’t heard of it, but dang that seems like a common sense idea I should have.