I promise you you’ll have a much better time here when you realize that we’re not all out to get you, and are all actually on the same side. Treat people like that, and most will return the favor.
I promise you you’ll have a much better time here when you realize that we’re not all out to get you, and are all actually on the same side. Treat people like that, and most will return the favor.
No, come on now, don’t do that. Don’t sit here and claim you were just “asking for clarification”. We can all see the thread, we can all see how much snark you injected into that comment and the follow up replies. You weren’t just asking for clarification, you were belittling someone you thought did something “wrong”.
Please let me give you a bit of advice, if I may. Try and remember that pretty much everyone is suffering right now, and that a kind word goes a long way. Lead by example where possible, rather than trying to force people down a certain path. And try not to get too riled up if people don’t follow your lead, because not everyone will.
I downvoted because you didn’t add anything to the conversation. Do you know what Dellinger can do now that he’s been reinstated? If so, tell us. If not, find out and tell us. If you don’t want to find out, that’s ok too, but in that case you don’t have to say anything. The route you chose did nothing to further the conversation, it just ended in you browbeating a fellow citizen for making a desparate plea in a desperate time.
The one I’ve always liked is “the difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is… about a billion dollars”
( o )( . )
So, I happen to have friends that live in Lakewood, and from the sound of it, you just might live in a different Lakewood than them. Lakewood is economically similar to the majority of other suburbs of the major Ohio cities, and seeing as I also live in one of those suburbs, I can assure you that you’re lucky to be paying what you’re paying in rent, even for a studio apartment.
You pay $500 less than the average American for rent. I think you may be lacking the perspective necessary to engage productively with this topic.
And cut into their Lemmy time? Inconceivable!
Maybe frozen broccoli
If the government cant handle “online stuff” they can pitch privatization.
It kind of already is privatized. Most of the government’s cyber security efforts are handled by defense contractors.
To make settings inaccessible on purpose or even alienate people deemed “too stupid” for them is called Tech Paternalism, and it fucking sucks.
You’re referring to Windows Registry right?
C’mon man, this is just a textbook fallacious slippery slope argument. Rust isn’t some brand new language whose stable release was less than a year ago, it’s over a decade old now. Scheme and Lisp are interpreted languages for God’s sake, it’s borderline* impossible to use them for kernel programming.
Also I’m pretty sure the whole point of the Rust project that all this drama is centered around is to keep Rust code separate from the kernel. From what I understand the whole point is to maintain Rust bindings to the kernel API as a separate project, so that if developers want to write a driver in Rust, they can without having to rewrite those bindings themselves. But the kernel code itself will still be all C code. Now I’m not a kernel developer, and the last time I wrote a driver was for my operating systems class in university over a decade ago, so take that with a grain of salt.
* I say borderline because anything is possible with code if you’re creative enough, but anyone trying to submit Scheme or Lisp code to the Linux kernel is gonna get laughed off the Internet
He’s issued executive orders for all of those things I listed you disingenuous walnut
No policy change? He’s attempting to get the US out of the UN, he’s trying to sanction the ICC, he’s trying to roll back the hold that Biden put on delivery of 2000lb bombs, and that’s just what I could find on a quick 5 minute search. No policy change? Get the fuck outta here man
Dude yeah I was thinking about that recently, like comparing Roiland’s one-noted-ness to someone like H. Jon Benjamin’s one-noted-ness, and how different they are. Like, you hear Roiland’s Lemongrab, or Rick, or Morty, or the alien from Solar Opposites, and you’re just like huh, the same guy voices all of those characters. They don’t sound identical, but I can tell it’s the same VA. But then you listen to Bob from Bob’s Burgers and Archer from Archer, and Coach McGuirk from Home Videos and you almost don’t realize at first that those three characters are voiced by the same guy, even though their voices are almost identical. Idk, I just think it’s kinda wild
Thank you for unlocking some very angry and also very happy memories from 12-year-old me
Nah, if anything, your “absolutely no compromises” approach is the one smearing black paint all over everything. That level of inflexibility and brittleness will only get in the way of actually accomplishing things.
K good luck making any progress or solving any problems whatsoever then*. One day you might realize that the real world is shitty and messy and requires compromise.
Nah, I’m just saying you’re being too picky. Right now, I don’t really think there’s anything wrong with rallying around a message of “Not Trump, Not Fascism”. You know, considering those are the things that are currently dismantling our democracy.
Calling people turncoats when they should be considered allies does nothing to fight the real, current threat in office. All this infighting just sets us back and puts us further down the road to fascism. This quest for the perfect liberal party is a waste of effort because it’s so pie-in-the-sky and borderline impossible to actually achieve in any meaningful length of time.
It sucks, but that’s reality. Our democracy is fucked, and trying to find even more idealist liberals to replace the likes of Bernie and AOC isn’t gonna fix it.
I don’t know a single lick of French but somehow my brain knew this is the intro to Foux Da Fafa, a song I haven’t listened to in over a decade