FDP bitte auf 4.99%
My previous/alt account is yetAnotherUser@feddit.de which will be abandoned soon.
FDP bitte auf 4.99%
Guess what German conservative media is currently parroting (again):
I probably do not have ADHD but this is still something I’m struggling with. Except there are no consequences, which makes everything worse in that it only encourages me to continue like this.
2 months for writing a report for a course. I started reading and selecting the sources 5 days before the due date. I started writing 1 day (~36 hours) before the date and finished 10 minutes before it was due. (Note: I did take breaks for eating and sleeping). I didn’t even proofread it beyond skimming for errors.
The result?
It’s also not the best idea to sell both an AMD Ryzen 9700X and an AMD Radeon 9700XT.
Mostly agreed except for grub. Systemd-boot ftw
I mean it used to be called gummiboot. What more do you want?
Don’t you mean 👆🤓?
Deswegen nutze ich den linux-hardened
Kernel - der ist noch auf 6.12.10 und meiner Erfahrung nach stabiler.
Eh, I’d argue for birth control to be effective the knowledge how to use it and have safe sex is pretty important - which relies on education (though in a sex-ed and not tertiary education kind of way).
Increasing education spending directly results in a lower birth rate, much more so than “just” providing free birth control. Ideally both should be provided though.
Isn’t poverty strongly correlated to higher birth rates? Education is very much known to cause lower birth rates and poorer areas lack (access to) education.
Inspired, yes. But uber is still not a German word.
Imagine if I founded a company called “Tougt” and claimed this is an English word. Not inspired by, is. Who needs the letter ‘h’ anyways?
Removing the accent marks makes it such that the word isn’t German anymore, just German-inspired. It would have to be written “Ueber” instead.
You know, like a Mr. Böing founding the company Boeing.
Wait, how do they know which ballot was cast by whom?
Don’t you have secret ballots?
Right, über is a word. “uber” is very much not. The points aren’t decoration or a pronunciation guide, they signify a different letter.
It’s like saying that Spanish people call their country Espana.
To be honest, that’s what I meant with Humble. I knew they got legitimate keys from the developers and didn’t think of the correct noun.
But since the studio was shut down by 2K, they are most likely the one’s footing the bill if a chargeback occurs. For indie games or small studios, I never use these sites for that reason.
Plus I’m still in the process of setting up my pirated games infrastructure. I will first need to figure out how to properly store Windows-only games such that the WINE prefix is in the game folder and automatically applied as well as how to make “cloud” saves work.
It is incredibly easy for a country with nuclear engineers to recycle exisiting nuclear weapons into new one’s.
The only difficulty is refining the fissile material. If you have it, you can make a bomb.
And Ukraine very much could have claimed ownership of the weapons but ultimately didn’t due to US and Russian pressure.
It’s still available on key resellers for cheap (including all DLCs) or HumbleBundle if your prefer an official key reseller (that asks for the full price though).
I grabbed it earlier today because it too was on my wishlist.
Edit: Just realized almost this exact sentence was at the top of the article. Whoops
Oh, they are far right.
It’s just that whatever the nazis did to government employees wasn’t even mentioned during history classes because it pales in comparison and is fairly irrelevant.
Storage is fortunately pretty cheap and resource efficient though.
In the grand scale of things, a couple petabytes are like 100 modern 32 TB hard drives. Powering them would require maybe 2 kW?
In my country (Germany)
Crossbows are legal to own and sell for adults. They are allowed to be shot at certified locations (i.e. shooting ranges) but not necessarily on your own property. You need a license for shooting them on your own property if the energy of the projectile exceeds 7.5 Joules. In comparison, a 9mm pistol shoots projectiles with 300-500 Joules.
Basically (for crossbows):
For comparison: a 9mm pistol shoots with 300-500 Joules.
Why would you want a crossbow though? Keep in mind that you are not allowed to use weapons for self-defense, even if you don’t need a license for them. Furthermore, I’m not sure whether you are allowed to publicly carry the crossbow at all.