It’s absurd for leftists to be talking about Jill Stein when we could be arguing about Hillary Clinton instead. The point is to narrow our coalition till it’s pure. (and too small to get their way on pizza toppings)
I don’t read my replies
It’s absurd for leftists to be talking about Jill Stein when we could be arguing about Hillary Clinton instead. The point is to narrow our coalition till it’s pure. (and too small to get their way on pizza toppings)
That’s a prime rib roast and it’s beautiful. That’s closer to Med Rare than Blue.
Someone mashed it with a fork to get those red juices to the surface. (mioglobin, not blood) And that bright red color of the flesh is because it was just cut off the roast and is only just being exposed to oxygen.
If abusing women and girls, revenge porn, and date-rape are issues in South Carolina politics, this is an unqualified good thing. Sexual control of women in the household has been a core issue for reactionaries as long as there have been reactionaries. Before 1980, it was legal in all 50 to rape your wife. Diversity is strength. Even in MAGA.
There is no market solution to capitalism. Something, something, tools of the master.
Breaking the “rules” of masculinity.
Many years ago I worked for a medical company. A coworker (Boomer dude) and I were demonstrating a lift mechanism when I made the joke: last time I got in a harness, there was a safe word.
The joke killed, but my coworker was mad for weeks because in the joke, I implied we were going to have sex.
“Gods eye” view is a common idiom for a third person perspective. That’s probably what they’re referencing.
That one weird trick to autocracy. Congress hates it.
Let’s go on record defending murderers and rapists instead of focusing on citizen children being deported.
“Cannot speak for my intentions” is gas-lighting. Of course mind reading isn’t a thing, but It’s perfectly reasonable to infer intention from action. If not, serious crimes like murder would be impossible to prove.
There are people in by life that have difficulty telling the difference between something that can’t be known with precision, and something so mysterious that any explanation is as good as any other. Some people are vulnerable to this kind of thinking.
We can abstain from defining people’s sincere beliefs on their behalf without pretending that obvious fraud is the real deal.
This is a straw-person argument. Claiming two beliefs being valid is not the same as two beliefs that are equal.
You can prefer liberation theology to prosperity gospel. I do. But that’s a question of politics, not theology. A non-believer taking such a side is making a mistake because doing so implies the following:
That’s conceding that the Bible is a unique moral document, probably miraculous.
Most Christian ideas about hell are from Dante and Milton laundered through loony toons. And in Milton’s version, Satan is the protagonist.
Thank you for your service
Why, after everything, do people still believe that conservatives and normies would demand a stop to unconstitutional shenanigans “if they only knew…”.
They know, or they don’t care, or both.
Are we seeking validation through the press? Because that’s all they’ve left to offer.
I think it’s been a minute since Lindbergh was anybody’s hero. However, before anyone defends him as a “product of his time”, antisemitism and racism may have been more socially acceptable, but everyone knew, or should have known it was wrong.
There was never any time in history where “nobody knew” oppression was wrong. The oppressed always know, but nobody listens to them for some reason. And the oppressors imply knowledge of their wickedness when they spend so much effort making cringe arguments that it’s a virtue instead.
What we should highlight is the fact that being a bigot cost Lindbergh, not just his legacy. It made him foolish enough to swallow bad-faith bullshit and get on the bandwagon with a circus of pigs. Racism makes fools of smart people.
I’ve a map, maybe you could take that side street?
Trump thinks pennies are useless because he wasn’t allowed to use them in a strip club.
A Christian is anyone who says they are. Christianity is how those people conduct themselves. Prosperity gospel is valid doctrine, just like liberation theology. I don’t wanna play True Scotsman with the believers.
Food Network, Tick Tock, and Youtube have turned everyone into gatekeeping snobs. Tell your friend that Carl Sagan said that it doesn’t count as “made from scratch” unless the first step in the recipe is “create the universe”.
OSHA did 911.
Think about it. We know that the buildings were destroyed in a controlled demo. The whole point of a controlled demo is safety. What kind of a diabolical organization would murder 3,000 people using the best safety practices???!!!