I don’t know if it’s an advantage, but I’ve seen one lately, and it was fucking loud.
Like eeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeee loud.
I don’t know if it’s an advantage, but I’ve seen one lately, and it was fucking loud.
Like eeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeee loud.
‘I need ammunition, not a ride!’
Total revenue of Germany’s bike sector in 2022: 7 bn €
Employees: 5300
Total revenue of Germany’s car sector in 2022: 400 bn €
Employees: 780’000
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Governments are clamping down on protests against climate change: * silence *
Some idiots cut down speed cameras the people living there specifically asked for: YEAH! Fuck the police!!!1! Rage against the machine!!!1! Fuck mass surveillance!!!1!
Priorities , I guess.
Tell me you’ve never been outside of your crappy state and have never seen a European city nor ever seen a modern European apartment.
You do understand other countries have actual buildings that consist of more than some wood and styrofoam, right?
People can read your other comments as well, you know? Your account is a textbook about insecure masculinity, Mr. „I am the man other men wish they could be“ 😂
Riots and protests don’t need your approval or applause. They happen because the majority of people are too complacent. If everyone was already aboard we’d just do those things, you know. You probably don’t understand this, because you never stuck out your neck for anything in your life.
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Well, it’s located in a basin and has lots of mountainous areas north, south, and west, so it’s kind of expensive building rails through there. It’s annoying as fuck to get there by car as well. I used to drive that a lot, Cologne – Erfurt, sucks big time.
I guess you could get a route via Kassel and Hamm. I mean, I’m all for it, but I don’t think that’s economically feasible for DB.
Improving the route Hannover – Leipzig would make sense, especially if they could finally upgrade the route Dresden – Prague (one of the most important cargo routes).
Hannover is just lucky. It sits on a giant plain right in the middle of the two axes Hamburg – „the South“, and Berlin – Rhein-Ruhr.
Erfurt gets none
What? Erfurt has direct ICE connections to Leipzig/Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, and Nürnberg/München. It’s pretty well connected for a city of just 200k.
hAvE yOu TrIeD bReAkInG iT dOwN iNtO mAnAgEaBlE pIeCeS aNd SoMe DiScIpLiNe
Yes. Yes I did. I took both pills, ground them up to very manageable pieces, took a straw and just very disciplined snorted everything up.
And then I asked for more pills.
I mean, nobody is going to read it anyway now. Might as well just write it tomorrow morning and send it then. Here’s what I’ll do, I go to bed early tonight, get up extra early tomorrow, and then I’ll do it!