For this to be true, wouldn’t it have to be common to reshare porn?
For this to be true, wouldn’t it have to be common to reshare porn?
That 'ol girl will sweep him right off his feet.
Obi wan: generally the sith think in absolutes to the exclusion of others.
Before the ludacrisly bad and self-contradictory philosophy became canon.
Let’s come up with a better name. How about “metamoon”, or “submoon”… hypermoon?
Instructions unclear, too close to punch and bodies prevent moving closer.
The institutions, policies, and actions that brought us here will continue until the sitiation improves.
You wouldn’t download… a BRAIN!!!
Suppose you live in a disputed region claimed by three different warlords. Would you have to serve triple the time, or would you be forced to pick a side?
audo - admin-user do
No tyrants? No predators? No innocent children? :)
Kinda cool how much auto-correct and noise filters can do… kinda uncool to use the same as leverage against humanity.
Is that… general grievous?
Wait… so… this was not a joke? They’re serious?
Knowing how it works is so much better than guessing around OpenAI’s censoring-out-the-censorship approach. I wonder if these kind of things can be teased out, enumerated, and then run as a specialization pass to nullify.
No, no, copilot… I said jindar, the jedi master.
The black hole.
In business proposals, I have heard them referred to as “social media properties”.