
Full time smug prick

  • 55 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2024

  • I will assume you are not talking about me here as you have no idea of my point of view on the matter. I believe you are talking generically…

    That’s right

    Ieven if you are talking generically, i don’t think your assumption here makes sense. many people feel free to discriminate between people on the basis of their biological sex.

    I am talking about the notion that all men are potentially sexual predators. I am not discussing the truthfulness of the idea, or whether women are justified to be afraid of men in general (to an extend they are). But regarding this narrower notion, there is plenty of evidence online that men find the fear outrageous (Not all men etc). If they think trans women are (*) simply men (I disagree) then they are simply not consistent. This naturally leads to the next step, that their interpretation of transness in AMAB people is registered as a sexual perversion (*). It isn’t. It is a personal identity thing, like being a (cis) woman also isn’t inherently a sexual thing. To think the former is transphobia, to think the latter is misogyny. I am not saying, nor I care, about you subscribing to either, personally. We are both discussing the sociological popularity of these notions.

    I don’t know where you live, but this is not true in the UK

    I am a nomad, but I was talking about the US, where this grim picture is true in some states, especially with black trans women whose murders the police is particularly inadequate to solve.

    while I agree with the thrust of what you are saying you have a writing style that puts words and assumptions in my mouth

    I was talking generically. That having been said, I wasn’t sure about your personal take, since the lack of tone in this written medium can be very misleading.

    in a manner that comes across an unnecessarily combative. you also use exaggeration to make your point which is itself problematic…

    I really tried to put arguments forth, and conscientiously not target you, while not giving you a free pass. I don’t think I exaggerate, I just present in distilled form the things that people might mean but not necessarily say out loud.

    As for being combative, I just try to be thorough and concise. When I said this is textbook transphobia I weren’t attacking you. This is factual. If someone looks up a textbook on transphobia they will find the points I have asterisk-ed above. It would perhaps come down as less combative if I said “this is the dictionary definition of transphobia”? I don’t know. Transphobia is an ugly thing and much like racism, there is no pleasant way to say it, but this is what the word means.

  • I consider your theorizing of “pre-transition history” being within the “rights of society” to “keep in touch with reality” as misleading and problematic.

    In fact, these are the axioms of trans erasure I discuss in my other response. In the core of this reasoning is the idea that “men are inherently dangerous to women” therefore “women must know at all times the biological sex of any person they interact with”.

    So you can’t go past the “transition” history for reasons that under all other circumstances you would decry as “misandry”, but only apply this to trans women (victims themselves of cis violence in bathrooms and all other settings). Why? Because you register trans women in the semantics of sexual perversion. Then, the “right” to know anyone’s medical history does not exist, on the contrary people have the right to privacy to medical interventions of any type.

    Due to stigma and discrimination trans people are furthermore entitled to hands down secrecy, given that a random bigot can just shoot them down for being trans with zero consequences. But this is also hypothetical now. The amount of cis-passing is different for every trans people.

    Some may pass for cis, most don’t. Besides the existential crisis some people experience when they can’t tell a person is trans, in practice stealth trans people are relatively rare, and there is not an iota of evidence that there is any societal harm from stealth cis-passing trans people. So there is no reason behind your purported “societal right to know”, apart from cisgenderist entitlement.

    Enforcing such right is not only infeasible, but it sufficiently and necessarily leads to banning public trans life, with no other explanation other than cis people’s uneasiness. The civil rights movement has established that majoritarian uneasiness with minorities sharing their bathrooms is not enough to justify perpetuation of discriminatory segregation practices.

    This is textbook transphobia.

  • It is easy for many people to think trans wars is a distraction, scapegoating, or a genuine threat to the authoritarian world view. I ask you to carefully consider that anti-trans hate is genuine.

    Nazis had prioritized Jewish genocide and pursued it to an irrational degree, even prioritized the genocide to actually winning the war. Some analysts say that this shows their war was always and primarily against civilian Jews.

    We have evidence to think this is the case with trans people now.

    The recent “anti-christian bias” order outright frames trans rights as an enemy of their ingroup.

    Reed has covered the leaked Christian emails that show them believe trans people are demons and evil incarnation and want to wipe them from the face of the earth.

    Rowling has been caught on tape saying she wants to minimize the number of people transitioning so that they have less work to do “special accommodations later” for trans people.

    For those aware of the term Sonderbehandlung this leaves no doubt: trans people are their primary enemy, they have poured their millions into the pockets of nutjobs and politicians that will relieve them from having to live side by side with trans people.

    Don’t be fooled that this is just distraction and/or scapegoating by power-mongers.

    They have a trans Holocaust in the making and they have already put the plot in motion. ACT NOW


    I realize I might have not responded directly to OP’s question. See the following for my take.

    My analysis linking Bathroom Bans as early signs of completely banning trans people out of public life

    I wrote this while still believing that anti-trans hate was an election-winning distraction. It partly responds to where anti-trans hate comes from

    In this sense many people are deeply transphobic, but billionaires have the resources to eradicate trans people from public life. The rest can only curse, badmouth, trash, verbally attack, workplace harass, fire, refuse healthcare, sexually or physically attack or mob-lynch trans people. Every transphobe does as much as they can get away with. Billionaire transphobes can get away with genocide so they’re doing that.

    Additional resources in support of the argument

    Summary of early Holocaust course of events and why targeted people were not mobilized

    Erin Reed article on fundamentalist anti-trans lobbyists’ leaked emails

  • knew they were being scapegoated

    Actually the “International Jewry” bullshit is very much like the “WOKEism/Gender Ideology/DEI” shit we see today: If you replace “Aryan” with “White/American” as well, it is pretty much the exact same thing. This started gradually taking over the state apparatus, with many Germans jumping on the train around 1936. By that point people would be sarcastic and cynical towards the attempts of the state to be more “Aryan”, but at the same time the Jews were construed as alien and curious, and Germans would stop meeting them, so they were made into an out-group first, then vilified.

    A good source on this that does not focus on the Holocaust per se is A Social History of the Third Reich.

    this “It’s just rhetoric, right?”-stage

    If you consider that the “Hitler’s prophecy” was uttered in 1939 and several more times after that, but it didn’t even make front pages, then yes. But keep in mind not all historians agree on that. Some say that the “vernichten/ausrotten” (exterminate/kill) rhetoric was ubiquitous in Hitler’s, Himmler’s, and Goebels’ speeches, and that German people knew where this was going. I am not decided yet, and I want to believe the first, but I have read strong arguments about the Nazis having been explicit in their genocidal plans from the very start. (eg Jeffrey Herf “The Jewish War”)

    emigrating and leaving everything behind

    Not everyone can emigrate. Some people are too poor to emigrate. Even then, and I keep on the Holocaust story, the Saint Lewis incident shows that people were not welcome to emigrate (in the US, which is no coincidence), and they were sent back! In the US some people think that the federalist situation will allow states (California etc) to keep doing their thing, but the fascists now have the federal government, and the militias. So we don’t know for how long the progressive states will continue be free. Then if you speak for actually emigrating abroad, that would be even more difficult for quite a lot of people.

  • If you read Holocaust survivors memoirs you will learn many things.

    During Operation Reinhard the killing centers were unthinkable and also veiled under strict secrecy. The information was so unbelievable that although there was early intelligence out of Chelmno for gassing vans, and later Slovak escapees published a document detailing the operation of Auschwitz-Birkenau II, it was met with disbelief and treated similar to a conspiracy theory. Wartime propaganda made this worse, by spreading so many rumors that people could not know what to believe.

    The killing process was so barbaric that even prisoners who had witnessed it while doing other tasks in the camps, were in denial about it, as per their own memoirs. When Rogerie, member of French Resistance / primary witness against Holocaust Deniers, arrived in Auschwitz the first thing the French doctor told him was that the gassings were taking place, and he did not believe it until he saw with his own eyes. Even today are pretty foggy about what exactly happened in and around gas chambers.

    The Nazi deception and subterfuge apparatus was so ubiquitous that in lots of cases people thought they were going to take showers. The killing centers were idyllic in appearance, and were made to the last detail to look like innocuous intermediary stops. Nobody escaped these places with the sole exception of the Sobibor uprising, and the Slovak Birkenau escapees. Churchill only came to know about the gassings around the time of the Nazi negotiations with Hungary about deporting Hungarian Jews to Birkenau, which was later in the war. The Sonderkommando photographs were taken during the cremation of the bodies of Hungarian Jews. Those three sources were the only hard evidence about the gassings up to late 1943, I think. It was a very well protected wartime state secret.

    This is not to say that there were no rumors about it, nor that it wasn’t common knowledge among certain segments of the German population. But, for many Jewish people what we now know was a wild conspiracy theory they thought too stupid to believe. They also had some more everyday shit to worry about. They were facing boycotts, pogroms, malnutrition, and were deported into ghettos and camps. Some were better off, for example in villages, and they didn’t want to live as refugees in Ukraine.

    Nazis had installed Jewish Councils to take care of such villages, and these councils were selecting people for camps, believing it would be just very hard labor. Wealthier families could pay the councils off to evade recruitment. When Operation Reinhard started the villages were surrounded by Trawniki men in the early hours and they would round up as many Jewish people as they could fit in the trucks. At this point people would start hiding in attics and special hideouts in the homes, while the Nazis started moving vast numbers of people from ghettos into Jewish villages, where they would be soon taken by the Trawniki’s to the killing centers.

    At this point it would be almost impossible to escape the villages alive. Some survivors report they tried, but not succeed. But people did not have sufficient and/or reliable information to act on before it was too late. Jews from other European countries, like Dutch, Greek, etc, they would ride a train from their hometown and end up in a gas chamber in a matter of days. Most of the victims from outside Poland would have had a few short minutes available to realize what had happened to them.

    In fact, nobody talks much about this period apart from survivors. They all express the same concern: Don’t let this be forgotten. It can happen anywhere, and it will definitely happen again, if not by the exact same means, by equally barbaric ones. If you read the whole thing from the 1930s prison camps up to Operation Reinhard killing centers you can have a rough idea about how they will go about it.

    Probably they will build the deportation camps for illegal immigrants, make gender non-conformity a sex crime, get trans people in the prison labor system, then upgrade many prison to work camps. At the same time by prohibiting transition and denying healthcare they will decimate trans people by suicide or malpractice, and when they have the opportunity, for instance: during time of war, they might as well build gas chambers because deportees are too many to humanely deport, and put trans people and leftists there as well. I mean, they have followed the Nazi playbook to the letter so far, why would they stop now?

    Sounds crazy, right? It sounded as much crazy in 1942, but it is true.

  • Lavabit

    Connection to Edward Snowden

    Lavabit received media attention in July 2013 when it was revealed that Edward Snowden was using the Lavabit email address to invite human rights lawyers and activists to a press conference during his confinement at Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow.[16] The day after Snowden revealed his identity, the United States federal government served a court order, dated June 10, 2013, and issued under 18 USC 2703(d), a 1994 amendment of the Stored Communications Act, asking for metadata on a customer who was unnamed. Kevin Poulsen of Wired wrote that “the timing and circumstances suggest” that Snowden was this customer.[17] In July 2013 the federal government obtained a search warrant demanding that Lavabit give away the private SSL keys to its service, affecting all Lavabit users.[18] A 2016 redaction error confirmed that Edward Snowden was the target.[2]


    But what is the status now? Also, I think in the years to come the jurisdiction will also play a role. If the service is in the soil of a country that can subpoeana the encryption keys, then nobody is really safe.