• 43 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Others have already answered your questions, so I’ll just drop in my anecdotal experience to moving over my desktop to Linux last year. I tried a few different distros but settled with Fedora KDE edition. It works with everything exotic in my laptop out of the box, except for the gyro that doesn’t work with anybody else either. The desktop feels familiar and is easy to customize. I tried to like Gnome and variants but it is really settled on The Gnome Way of doing everything. Fedora is a fresh experience from previous attempts of going full Linux desktop with Ubuntu and even Mint. The GUI for software and package management is neat and includes native packages, flatpak both the fedora builds and mainline. Some minor things are not quite there but I believe that will be the Linux experience forever and I’m okay with it. I recommend to try it.

  • Personally, I’m worried and empathetic towards the good people affected in USA. Leaning back and enjoying the show when republican voters get their faces eaten by leopards. Not too worried about how it will affect us economically as it just is another maelstrom of international turbulence going on. Everything is quite unstable and unpredictable right now so it’s just another chaotic parameter. Unfortunately the sum of it all is paving the road for fascism to rise here as well when people feel unsafe and want order and vote for the ones with the loudest and easiest solutions to everything that is complex and scary. I think my social circles are pretty much the same, give or take some details.

  • They didn’t come as cash registers out of the box.

    It’s okay to say that you don’t know. I don’t and I want to know. No need for arrogance.

    From the pictures it looks like they are sitting on top a spring loaded manual cash box with a key. If the cash boxes are electronic and the C64s are interfacing them somehow, I’m more impressed that they are still working with all that mechanical action in a particle dense environment. If the software is loaded from disk or tape drive, yeah I’m pretty impressed by them working too. Maybe the C64s are dust proofed in some clever way or they have a routine to open them up for cleaning? And if the cash boxes and the breadboxes are connected, I want to know more about it. Finally, are there more modifications than this? I see there are stickers on some buttons. Any additional hardware attached? Or is it actually and literally an out of the box C64 sitting on top a manual cash box running some custom software in BASIC?

    Edit: words be hard