I am learning fdupes right now - I also know I have some big .iso files that I have transferred to my ventoy so they can go.
I am learning fdupes right now - I also know I have some big .iso files that I have transferred to my ventoy so they can go.
Doing it ourselves might have the same effect though - “oh well, they have their own driver they are happy with”
I wasn’t around that early, was ndiswrapper, bad?
Could the kernel makers create some sort of sandbox to run Windows drivers in - so we ride on Windows coat tails until true Linux drivers are available? Or is the Windows, um DPI (driver program interface) just too different to allow that?
Edit: Then we use the Windows drivers an make loud noises to the hardware mfg that we would really rather have a Linux driver and that they would sell many more of their $hardware if they make one.
A minister whose job is to promote AI and also promote Privacy - seems like a built-in conflict of interests.
The Kaylon are the robotic race from ‘The Orville’. When they started to show signs of consciousness their makers installed “suffering” which lead to abuse, which led to rebelion and genocide of the maker race (and a mistrust of all biological life).
Do NOT ask the Kaylon about this.
Ok, Now my entire ~.emacs file is:
(set-face-foreground 'mode-line “white”) (set-face-background 'mode-line “blue”) (set-face-foreground 'minibuffer-prompt “cyan”)
I can’t get it to accept the ‘attribute’ part.
set-face-foreground 'default “white” changed the text in the edit area to white, but had no effect on the text described above.
Don’t give them any ideas…
It did add some superlatives, almost as though it had an ego.
Tell me more. Why?
However, in the art arena AI is frustrating when you need a very specific image and not just a ‘a tree a dog a bird and a farmhouse’ AI art is getting better with text in the image but still makes some mistakes there. AI does poorly when you try to use it as a search engine : “What movie had a ball shaped robot” might bring back any answer. Warning though - AI is getting better at hands and spurious limbs.
What is AI good for - Images that are suitable for screen backgrounds, Creative text work - I had chatgpt work with me on a procedure to un-mothball a starship, it suggested details I did not think of. I had chatgpt also read and suggest re-wording and correction on text for documentation. I fed it a chapter at a time and proofread the output carefully to mitigate hallucination.
Here is the text above after a chatgpt re-write:
AI excels at creating stunning screen backgrounds and tackling creative text work. For example, I worked with ChatGPT to craft a procedure for un-mothballing a starship, and it offered valuable details I hadn’t considered. It’s also a fantastic tool for refining documentation—I had it review and reword chapters, carefully proofreading to ensure accuracy. The results were efficient, insightful, and elevated the final product.
Oh, also this is not an industrial setting with a computer controlling some heavy equipment. This is a nostalgia lab. MSDOS was the thing when I was around 22 or so.
I am still figuring out DOS networking.
Update - The on-board Ethernet is a Realtec of some sort
Anyone remember the castaway? The adventures of a guy on a one-tree desert island.
My dedicated machine ignores disk swap on 2 of the 3 USB drives I have. The third one seems to be ok though.
This is The Way.
Good. Thanks! It just seemed to spring up overnight-like.