Listening to a single track from this record doesn’t make too much sense besides checking if you like the vibe. It’s basically a single long piece.
If only his solo music was as good as his politics. The difference in quality between his work with RATM and his solo output is mind boggling.
Of you don’t delete your package cache it will still use more disk space, regardless of this output.
What’s your cutoff year for reading books?
No one else has a cutoff year. People have a cutoff quality and if an AI slop book doesn’t pass the quality gate, they’ll stop reading it.
I’ve been looking for something like this, thanks!
With some configuration management tools like ansible you don’t even need root privs to manage your users environment and keep everything neat and consistent.
In german forks are feminine and spoons are masculine. I hope speaking German isn’t satanic for having trans-utensils.
678% performance gain is just crazy. I’d be interested in a comparison with native windows performance with these titles.
Qobuz can be installed with bottles and works pretty well.
Warum nimmst du nicht einfach taglib? Die library hat bindings für viele sprachen
Sowas macht in modernem Python auch niemand. Dem type checker für solche Konstrukte einen Typ beizubringen ist quasi unmöglich. Wer außerhalb von winzigen skripten keine type hints nutzt, machts mMn falsch.
Python kann mittlerweile statische type hints. Dabei schreibst du nur die intention (“ein int geht rein, ein bool kommt raus”). Mypy warnt dich dann wenn du in irgendeine Funktion Daten reinstecken willst, die nicht reinpassen. Zur Laufzeit werden die type gibts ignoriert. Je nachdem wen man fragt ist das entweder eine total flexible Art Typen so stark oder so lax wie man möchte in seinen code zu integrieren, oder es ist nutzlos da es keine laufzeitsicherheit bietet.
Many outlets focused on anti-Semitic attacks, while overlooking anti-Arab or anti-Muslim behaviour by Maccabi supporters.
The term semitic people includes arab people. It’s not a synonym for jewish people.
So eine Beziehung muss ja nicht zwingend toxisch sein. Da gibts sicher einiges an potential für toxitizät (ist das ein Wort?) insbesondere, wenn der Unterwürfigkeit kein Respekt entgegengebracht wird, also wenn der Partner das ausnutzt. Aber Potential für toxische Beziehungen gibt es auch in nicht-traditionellen Rollenverteilungen.
Ich kann das auch nicht richtig nachvollziehen und finde manche Statements mega befremdlich. Aber nur weil mir etwas fremd ist, ist es nicht schlecht.
Probably a terribly written shell script that relies on misusing bash footguns and falls apart when you try to fix linter warnings.
I guess you could call this an OOPsie
Of course it’s St. Pauli.
Audioslave was pretty good too and I also like some nightwatchman stuff, but the three albums he put out as “Tom Morello” (The Atlas Underground Series) are just something else. They basically sound like a compilation of his favorite artists in a 1000 different genres and he overdubbed the whole thing with some guitar riffs.
Sure there might be a decent track here or there (but mostly because of strong guest performances), but other than that the albums are an unfocussed mess. IMO.