I would rather believe lisp is the hidden gold
I would rather believe lisp is the hidden gold
Good decision, zig is the next big boi of low level language. 💪🏻
Rust too complicated implies too much tech debt.
Taylor Swift Taylor Swift Taylor Swift 💗
The fascists think they die happy.
Look, Microsoft Windows and Apple OS are the worst you can have.
guile scheme or Julia
bc arm is not free
Google cloud storage, copilot my files with Microsoft, crowdstrike running in background for better security.
Ah, I didn’t watch that show
Big bang theory shows up in astronomy, it belongs to astrology instead.
It doesn’t exist at late nights, bc astronomers bang in the morning.
A show is not evidence, they are different calibre.
Actors on Paris opening ceremony and the althetes are different calibre.
You are wrong
It’s alien charged it back up, 100%
Good 'ol wooden structure in Japan wouldn’t have this problem, but not for Tokyo.
Because we need computer to solve the maths
The Action Lab easily my favourite
Linux is replacing Windows
I have to use Windows
I paid 700 for Adobe Photoshop each month, and pay extra 10 each time to unlock when I open the program.