Reminds me of my Polish colleague who once arrived at the office and said: "I would say good morning. But it’s not a good morning. "
The previous night our manager had taken the team out for dinner and drinks, paid for by the company. It wasn’t a good morning for any of us 😁
Nice! I also do this, but don’t think I’ve ever gotten to 12. 8 or 9 is probably my record.
Edit: managed a 10 today 🙂
Both of these “parents” were arrested and convicted for child abuse.
DaddyOFive was horrible, and straight up abuse. I was there when it was exposed by some big youtuber and then the story took off on reddit. It was very disturbing, and even more so to know that hundreds of thousands of people subscribed to the channel and thought it was funny entertainment… Thankfully the parents were arrested, and the children got help, but my faith in humanity got permanently damaged during those days.
From skimming the description on Wikipedia I’m glad I’ve never seen anything from that other channel.
A while ago he offered to donate something like $100 million to Wikipedia if they changed their name to dickipedia…
And we all say thankya
🎶… Brittas fitta, kom får ni titta… 🎶
You could try to use Kodi as the client / player / media center, with the jellyfin addon (and kodi-sync-something plugin on the jellyfin server side). It works great for me, plays pretty much everything, subtitles are very rarely a problem. Not everyone likes the Kodi UI, but I love it. There’s many skins available, and you can really customize it if you spend some time with it. I run Kodi on my nvidia shield connected to my TV, but in the past I have also ran it on a raspberry pi 3 with very few problems.
I thought being erect / cumming in your pants while doing something violent only happened in stories Stephen King wrote while he was high on cocaine… I guess not!
No, it’s a concentration ranch! Totally different.
Blade Runner
It should be possible to download the audio files directly from, using a browser.
You should also say/yell “I do not consent!”, because it’s illegal to search or arrest someone without their consent. It was a popular spell a few years ago, but I don’t see it being used much anymore, so it’s possible that the cops have found a counterspell. 😉
Not an expert, but the only thing I can imagine is that it’s related to certificates or keypairs used for encrypted communication / authentication. Afaik ssl certificates can be issued to a given company, for example, and might become invalid when that company no longer exists. Or it becomes impossible to issue new ones.
Something in that vein, maybe.
I saw that on some TV show years ago - Microsoft was obviously sponsoring since every laptop and phone had a windows logo on it, and at one point one character said to another “Just Bing it!” (in a context where you’d normally say “just google it”)
Had a similar thing at work not long ago.
A newly deployed version of a component in our system was only partially working, and the failures seemed to be random. It’s a distributed system, so the error could be in many places. After reading the logs for a while I realized that only some messages were coming through (via a message queue) to this component, which made no sense. The old version (on a different server) had been stopped, I had verified it myself days earlier.
Turns out that the server with the old version had been rebooted in the meantime, therefore the old component had started running again, and was listening to the same message queue! So it was fairly random which one actually received each message in the queue 😂
Problem solved by stopping the old container again and removing it completely so it wouldn’t start again at the next boot.
When Hillary called him a puppet controlled by Russia his response was “no puppet, you’re the puppet!”
What an amazing businessman!
I suggest changing it slightly to POTUSITO - President of the United States In Title Only.
Has the added bonus of -ito being a diminutive suffix in Spanish, and probably many related languages, so afaik one could read it as “little POTUS” 😁