Danke, verblödeter Polizisten-Pensionär, dass du durch deine dämliche und haltlose Anzeige die Aufmerksamkeit auf diese Predigt erhöht hast!
Danke, verblödeter Polizisten-Pensionär, dass du durch deine dämliche und haltlose Anzeige die Aufmerksamkeit auf diese Predigt erhöht hast!
Ich kaufe sowas seit Jahren bei einem “Nah-Ost Gemüseladen”… in Städten jenseits der 50k Einwohner gibts sowas eigentlich immer irgendwo: Riesen Gemüseauswahl, halal Fleisch, 23 unterschiedliche Dattelsorten und Nussmischungen zum totwerfen. Bei meinem Aliman Markt (der heißt tatsächlich so) kostet ein 5 Liter Kanister extra jungfräuliches kaltgepresstes Olivenöl aus der Türkei 45€. Und das Zeug schmeckt dazu auch noch hervorragend.
…and if Republicans could read, they would be offended by this.
An dieser Stelle, weil es immer passt und anscheinend nie “alt” oder unpassend wird…
Loriot, Bundestagsrede:
Jupp, und da wurde es ja veröffentlicht. Oder glaubst du allen Ernstes den Blödsinn von “bla bla bla spiegelt nicht die Meinung der Redaktion wider bla bla bla”?? Wenn die das scheisse fänden, wäre es nicht durch die Zeit veröffentlicht.
In der Theorie, klaro.
Praktisch sind aber Merz und Lindner Multimillionäre, kuckste hier:
Von jemanden mit 12Mio bzw 5,5 Mio € auf der Kante kann ich mehr erwarten, als läppische 2000€.
Nur mal als Vergleich: wenn du einen Besitz/Vermögen von 100.000€ hast, würdest du mit einer Spende von ca 40€ im selben Verhältnis spenden wie Lindner oder Merz.
So, plus 10% would mean what? There is a 10% net-migration of the countries population towards the US… per what? Month? Decade? Minute? I wished more graphs where self-explanatory . This one isnt.
If someone has the answer to what this is actually supposed to mean, would be cool if it got posted.
Cant seem to find this dude on ig, there are just too many that tried to cross the usa with a board.
Does someone have a link to this specific persons ig? That would be great, thanks.
How to get me to block your account with one simple trick: post utter bs like that
Are the same that burn crosses
This is not beautiful, this is confusing.
Why are the Nederlands with a index of 10 more ro the right than Australia that happens to have an index of 10 as well?
The “information” of the x-axis is completely random or so it seems.
If you plotted medals (y-axis) over index (x-axis) there might be information in there.
Bit this? C’mon, thats embarrassing.
Well, just to give a different, albeit also wrong, perspective (from a middle-european society):
Anyone that emigrated to the US after 1850 is not a native…so 70% of y’all are immigrants.
For me it is always a bit hilarious to read how immigrants are bitching about not letting too many immigrants in “their” country.
And as i said… I know my point is wrong to start with, but i am honest and aware about my biased view. Something more people should or could be.
I have a friend that lives on a farm. He told me they have had issues with rats one summer. Pest control didn’t help much.
So, his dad catched a live rat and but it on a bbq. That poor thing must have screeched like crazy. My friend said it was hard to witness.
The rats they had must have thought the same. Most of them left. The problem was solved.
So, if it needed a well documented case of a anti-vaxxer having a slow and painful death, and showing it on youtube or tictoc or insta to drop the number of anti-vaxxers from 30% to even only 20%, i think, overall, society would be better off and this one humans life was well spend, saving so many after it.
No, no /s. I dont condone violence. This is a “what if” thought experiment.
I wished fascists could read, maybe then we wouldnt need a meme lile that to explain a very simple thing.
But here we are, people so dumb they believe any shit that comes out of a Russian fake-news-farm.
And please dont give me the “but but but they are like us! Giving names doesnt solve a thing!” Bullshit.
If they were like me, i wouldnt need to write this shit in 2024.
I shall remember this comparison and use it at the most inappropriate situation. Thank you.
Optical Emgineer reporting in.
This is bullshite.
Read for yourselves:
What you can learn today is, that if you use a microscope “the other way around”, something big is imaged into somethjng small on the focal plane.
Zeiss, a company that manufactures a shitton of optical stuff, has a very successful semi-conductor branch. That branch started off when some engineers from the microscope-department fiddled around with " inverted" microscopes during their lunchtime to create the first optics for lithography from Zeiss.
Source: i worked there. I know those engineers.
Well, if you had watched the News in the last decades or just simply check for the History of that places down there, you would understand that your post reads like you are 16 and have no fickn idea what you are talking about.
Stick to you manga-memes, the racism you recently post doesnt fit you well.
…and as always, once one of these incorrect charts appear, a reminder:
Its not the insect that kills. Its a virus, bacteria or parasite transfered by the insect that kills.
Impfgegner: Minus eins.