thanks for tracking me for my own safety, car brands, really preciate it.
thanks for tracking me for my own safety, car brands, really preciate it.
oxies mollies and xannies 🤤
its antinazi in a very subtle way. its a story game loosely inspired by post-soviet life in rural russia/the balkans, but in an alternate universe with motor carriages, cryptids and and The Fog.
you investigate some weird crime involving commies, the local labor union and some fascists. its actually excellent worldbuilding.
i think its for worse but we can take solace in the fact we are both fucked in solidarity
gsybdkzbayvfisg yes!! balkanize hahahahahah this would be hilarious please
i was making a sad attempt at a joke about electric cars with fake car noises
centrists are close to the status quo common sense view.
the status quo is soon-to-be-mask-off-fascist neoliberal capitalism. which is very much right wing. which makes them (inadvertently or not) right wing.
they are even if they dont understand politics at all so they dont even know exactly what they believe in as long as their support ends up going to them.
you can be slightly left from right, that doesnt fundamentally change.
i tought that was
it resembles early reddit a lot.
yes you would. you would see straight up imperialism apologia which is ok to their democrat audience i guess.
fuck i remember a post on r/arab getting nuked from the frontpage without a trace when they posted a video of the us bombings in iraq. a few similar ones but this is the one of the worst i remember.
the us has no significant left wing movement. maybe among the minorities.
this one cant take this long, climate change is on the corner.
technically they all make fake combustion noises, which is worse.
its bad faith. i dont think its even useful to argue this.
they know. they literally want picture on the left to be unacceptable while the one on the right is normalized.
id say any worker.
but i have to hand it to you, education and academic people get this treatment even more.
if you have well paid work, you can live way below your means and just work a few months of the year.
just saying. do it before they make it way too hard to find jobs.
juicy new controversy with ltt?
yes but still cheaper
next marxist workers’ international when?