I skimmed an article on enshittification yesterday
It mentioned Windows
Can something be enshittified if it was shit from the start?
You just happened to stumble across the stupidest motherfucker alive. Probably alive. Those risky decisions don’t take themselves.
I skimmed an article on enshittification yesterday
It mentioned Windows
Can something be enshittified if it was shit from the start?
You can’t lay a finger on an oligarch, so no one bothers.
Law: He’ll get pardoned, pre pardoned and whatever other bullshit he can think up.
Pitchforks: People have to unwillingly partake in the machine or the machine will crush their family. They can’t risk going up against the security detail of one of the richest people alive.
Marijuana: sorry that’s about as far as I can type for the night.
Main takeaway: That is a very good question that too few people will ask themselves before it affects them.
Why’d he finish the hairline lmao
The entire top dome
Turds gushing like a broken damn
Uhh, I guess one could argue that it’s poetic? Like he knows he’s a piece of shit. He knows there are other pieces of shit. But he’s too stupid to know that there are probably admins in multiple time zones when you go to sleep, NLP-powered blacklists and other automod tools. (I’m assuming)
wait did he set his username to specifically call you a slur?
we are definitely not smoking the same strain
probably not even smoking the same substance
I don’t mean crack or bath salts or whatever
I mean like, carbon monoxide, leaded gasoline and rare deliriants.
Didn’t know I was talking to a mod, so wasn’t intending to ass-kiss. Uh let me say something to prove I’m not biased but not break the rules.
Your 2nd favourite song probably isn’t all that great
Managed to confuse someone besides myself while high
fuck yeah I think that could be an achievement
business acumen or something idk I’m high as fuck
tldr yeah was just being silly I know those aren’t dogs.
While looking for an opossum meme on my phone, not finding it between all the Luigi Mangione memes, and taking one from Google images instead, I had an introspective thought. Apologies if the confusion thing came off as rude. I did not intend to insult you, I just intended on celebrating my silly.
With high doses of cannabis, for me, it’s “think fun thoughts = feel good feelings”. Sorry if I made you feel bad feelings. You got a really cool instance name, if that could possibly lift the mood and undo emotional damage. Also, I’m not just saying that. It’s cyberpunk af which is sick as hell homie
(As caused by my mind-altering chemical intake)
(That previous additional caption joke was a coincidence, I did not know what the caption was before writing the accessibility description)
hi, yes, piece of shit here
where do I get more of them cute doggy memes with the subtle threats in those stylistic fonts
Also, like what breed of dog is that
And at a yacht club, I feel like anyone who does get it, is not going to be someone who can’t make a lifelong pacifist throw their first punch.
Ah, C++! I prefer my engineers use GoogleScript at the company I bought out. I feel like Google is the safest bet. Like, one day Apple and Microsoft might stop updating C++, where now everything is Blockchain and AI based, Google will keep its market share and keep supporting g GoogleScript…
(He bought a Java Enterprise Consulting company.)
And ended the war in Ukraine
From my experience and expertise, Ambien. Man’s gonna get a knock on the door from the walrus any second now.
There’s a lot of things that are like “duh”, but it’s good that someone writes it down so someone else later down the line will have a harder time saying “um acktually video games cause stress and anxiety, not the lower wages and hotter summers” and get a fat cheque from the Heritage Foundation.
fuck bro
a hint would be nice
I always thought it was porn brain
don’t ask me why I thought that
I legit had to look up if brain rot was a legit medical term.
I’m legit infected with brain rot where do i seek help
You may have a mod that included the “shut-the-fuck-up-nirn-root” mod (cant remember name) or a sane dev lowered the base volume of that Audio effect in one of the many ports/remasters.
Or you legit never stumbled across it. You will 100% know if you stumbled across it.
I have not; although I have been warned that it’s not at all what it appears to be
I have heard similar, more specific details about themes of the game. I’m going to put it off until I’m in a better place, mentally. I don’t know if what I heard was true, but I don’t want to risk finding out more, because it is so highly regarded and I want to play it eventually, also I love entertainment where “it’s best going into it blind”
right-angle plugs are often better than straight ones because you can put furniture closer up against them and do so without stressing the cable.
Yeah that is definitely a huge bonus. I’ve taken it for granted.
We’re slowly adopting three pronged Italian/Chilean-type plugs that will be “backwards-compatible” with the EU plugs. I have no clue about polarity or anything like that.
New sockets include em. The original three pronged socket is kind of a hazard. Kids can stick their fingers in there. Not sure how that got approved.
Allows you to remove power from the plugged in device without unplugging it. This provides convenience to easily and quickly turn things on and off and prevents arcing when unplugging.
That’s exactly what I do, because it’s more convenient than unplugging everything.
I live in South Africa, where we had rolling blackouts (called loadshedding) for a few years. It’s easier to switch everything back on when the power comes back than to plug it back into a socket without a switch, especially with my fucked up spine.
The electricity in the place I live was done poorly, so having something plugged in “live” risks a surge or something and then the appliance gets fucked and then everything smells like burnt plastic.
And that’s the best case scenario. Others have had housefires.
Also, the South African plugs aren’t pleasant accidentally to step on. It won’t pierce your foot, but it can still hurt like a motherfucker for a few seconds if you step on it in the wrong way.
Those UK plugs do look a lot more nasty to step on. I shudder at the thought.
I like the EU and US two prong cables ( 🔌?) where the prongs are parallel to the cable, but not the cables with the orthogonal prongs.
he can still use pistols I think
I’m not American nor a gun expert but I think he can maybe fire an Australian glork 0.354in (or an AK1947 Kalashnakov-mini версйон 2) with one hand
Plus, his arm will grow back I’ve seen em rich guys do it
If not he can always steal a human arm from the poors using government tax credits or the Australian glork 0.45in
Or steal a chimp arm from his monkey execution business that makes Adderall laced Doritos or some shit
sorry doing some creative writing to wake the rest of my brain up. Feel free to reply doing the same, anyone reading.
Why is Northern Ireland the South of The Republic Of Ireland? Did something happen? Sorry I’m not well versed in this region.
Also, what is the country bordering the EU and The Republic of Ireland? Is it Yougotoslovakia? I have family there I think.
You make a very good point and are clearly a lot more knowledgeable than me.
I’m going to rephrase. Windows 11 was shitty from the start. I can defend that statement, which we both agree with, to save my ego from internal bleeding.
They keep adding shitty things to it.