I was indeed afraid about Ovaltine, which I like and have in my house right now. But it turns out it is only owned by Nestle in the US and by another company in the EU. So I’m still good and still successfully avoiding Nestlé :)
Why then it’s he so rich? I thought most of it was from Tesla stocks?
Edit: spacex is also worth a lot.
Better for social media with very limited characters
Which ones would that be? I thought they all are now counting URLs as a set number of characters?
I would prefer sth written in PHP to sth written in js tbh
So… Google Mail will not show me emails if their title is 2.5 million letters long? Pathetic
And they print Nestlé on most, if not all, packaging. So it’s easy to see. Your comment has horrendous formatting, so I’m not 100% sure if I got everything, but most of the brands I haven’t even heard of, probably because I just don’t buy that much processed food.
So yes, avoiding Nestlé is easy if you are paying just a little bit of attention while shopping groceries.
Yes, as long as they are not operating the vegetable farms in Europe I am rather safe I think
Nestlé is easy. I didn’t know the last time I bought something from them.
Sehr cool, danke für die Erinnerung! Direkt Mal was bestellt!
I once had the Wikipedia current events in my RSS reader, but removed it during a cleanup last year. So there is a way to get it as a feed
Okay, what would be your alternative?
The bubble bug should be fixed in the newest version.
Wie doof, dann lernen die doch gar nichts. /s
I am afraid that there are still people who like him
Natürlich der Inhalt, aber auch das Design. Wurde vermutlich mit LaTeX erstellt, so wie das aussieht
“thoughts and prayers” wie die Amerikaner so schön sagen.
At least add alt text
For everyone wondering what rda stands for: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDA