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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

    1. It’s very hard to improve things, hard to keep the status quo in the face of those trying to tear it down, and really really easy to take a blowtorch to it. “Not regressing” is fucking huge, and if you doubt that, you need to read more history (the Renaissance started by just getting back to where the Greeks were thousands of years prior)

    2. If every day you push fascism off till the next day, you’ll never have fascism .

    3. 1% of what you want is literally infinitely more than zero percent. If you don’t think 1% matters, I suggest you look up “compound interest”.

    Blue no matter who.

  • given the source of the energy most EVs use :/

    What? This is hilariously wrong.

    A profoundly filthy coal power plant has multimillion dollar filtration the size of your damn apartment. That gross coal is scrubbed more than the gasoline from any vehicle possibly could be.

    In a first world country it’s not possible to have an electric car as dirty per joule as a gas vehicle.

    Further, the powertrain is direct and therefore dramatically more efficient, so on a distance basis you get an additional multiplier. That’s where the EPA MPGe comes from - total energy content of 1 gallon of gasoline, converted to range on the electric vehicle.

    That’s about 33 kWh in one gallon, which is about half the total storage capacity of my Bolt EUV 2023 (65 kWh) which has about 240mi of range on a full charge, which is why the MPGe is ~120mi/gal, which for an equally polluting power source as a personal gas vehicle, is 5-6x cleaner. Public DC fast chargers are frequently exclusively renewably powered.

    It’s impressive because literally every possible angle of your statement is hilariously incorrect.

  • Sleep as Android!

    You can make it device administrator and additionally add a max snooze count and a dismissal CAPTCHA. When I REALLY have to get up no matter what, I need to go physically touch my phone to an NFC tag in the living room. Can’t even turn the phone off because it blocks that when ringing when given admin access.

  • It’s really funny. All those power phrases and one-upmanship games played by Trumpetts are like people who roll coal or drive loud muscle cars - people waving around their tiny-dick-insecurity energy for everyone to see, somehow convinced they’re hiding anything.

    Or all those conservatives obsessed with which consenting adult another consenting adult is sleeping with. Though there I’m pretty sure it’s just repressed jealousy because I can’t imagine giving that much of a fuck about an issue that I wasn’t deeply personally invested in.

  • This is questionably accurate.

    It’s not just a matter of building the rail, it’s also redesigning the urban sprawl. That’s a LOT of new construction of buildings needed, too. That comes with new utilities, etc. And cement is a huge carbon source.

    There is a time scale over which that’s more carbon efficient than replacing all personal vehicles and their replacement lifecycles, but it’s very unclear if that’s actually faster with regards to climate change timelines.