Proton is only encrypted between proton users. Proton mail to/from gmail or outlook is plain text, unless the recipient sets up PGP, and you can do E2EE with PGP over any host.
Proton is only encrypted between proton users. Proton mail to/from gmail or outlook is plain text, unless the recipient sets up PGP, and you can do E2EE with PGP over any host.
Show me a third option. If there’s beef and chicken on the menu, you can’t get a Mercedes.
All those people out in the street protesting for civil rights, fighting the Pinkertons, and refusing to work like inmates? they fucking voted. They got their people into office, and those people fixed the laws.
So, I guess your argument is that ACA is bad because all it “really” did is enroll poor people in Medicaid? Or that the extent of their insurance coverage depended on the insurance they got?
You’re comparing your idealized plan with what got implemented, rather than what got implemented with what came before.
It’s not like Democratic administrations gave us the voting rights act, gay marriage, interracial marriage, and abortion. Medicare & Medicaid. Ended Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell. The ACA may not be very close to universal healthcare, but it is a huge improvement on what we had, and it decreased the uninsured population by 15-20M.
There’s a lot more to want from a progressive party, but they have, slowly, made things better. Sometimes, the wing nuts claw those improvements back, and “Ratchet Effect,” “Both Sides,” etc are great propaganda for cowing opposition to the wing nuts.
I have 8 Z-wave devices now, including a couple “long range” devices. With the first couple, I would sometimes have trouble with the farthest, battery-powered device dropping out of the network occasionally, but that hasn’t happened as I’ve added more devices. I fought with pairing the initial devices - clicking the right series of buttons at the same time as telling HA to look for devices to join - but all the recent devices have just has a QR code - scan it into HA, and the device just shows up when I turn it on. I don’t know how much of this difference between new and old is my learning curve vs better product support, but I am really happy with my Z-waves now.
Z-wave rather than wifi so I know they aren’t phoning home.
Trump 45 was happy to let his appointees work as interim this-or-that or acting whatchamacallit, and those people seemed to have exactly as much authority as confirmed appointees. Maybe they didn’t get the full paycheck? but senate confirmation seems to be completely unnecessary to the exercise of power when everyone just goes along anyway.
I’d be pretty happy to see Dems grind congress to an halt with investigations of absolutely everything, filibusters of everything else, and red card holds, or whatever other magical Senate traditions allow single Senators to completely stifle government activity.
TY. Looks like the T6 is pro-only. Googling around, it looks like ventilation control may be one of the things that separate their pro-level T6/T10 from their DIY-level T5/T9. That’s disappointing.
It’s implicit. Biden is the one who invited all 25 million undocumented gang members into the country. Biden is the one who failed to renegotiate the 45th President’s disastrous Cal-Mex trade agreement. Trump’s bold new policies will fix decades of Democrat evil - you’ve made him hurt you. You deserve this, until you learn to behave.
Straight out of the domestic abuse handbook.
Does the Honeywell T6 give you separate control of temperature and fan? That is, can you turn air circulation on/off, even when the temperature wouldn’t trigger heating/cooling?
I’ve been watching pm2.5 in my house, and the HVAC filter does a pretty good job of keeping it down if I run the fan, but that fan takes a lot of energy, and I’d like to turn it off when the air is pretty clean.
Normal eggs are $4/doz for me, too. I see that box labeled ‘cage-free’ with ‘organic’ & ‘pasture raised’ nearby. Those are super bougie eggs, and I think they’re around $10/doz where I shop (and have been for years).
Next they’ll come for Mr. Ms. and Mrs.
You know, I just noticed: there’s no “r” in missus, so abbreviating it “Mrs” doesn’t really make sense. Maybe it’s supposed to be a possessive, like Mr’s, rather than an actual gender signifier.
Canada and Mexico account for about a third of US exports. US businesses may be able to survive without them, but they sure won’t make the shareholders happy.
You don’t have to self-host email (which is a pain) with a custom domain. Most of the providers will let you point your domain’s email at their servers, with a few DNS entries. The major (IMO) benefit of that is that your email address is decoupled from your email provider, so changing providers in the future doesn’t require you to tell all your contacts.
I’ve gotten the impression that the major gains in the 5xxx line are from DLSS and frame generation going from 1:1 extrapolated frames to 3:1, and it looks like this review was just comparing straight rendering.
That’s what I mean: what you’re going to operate on; where you’re going to put it.
What, where?
I feel like ‘normal’ politicians are more beholden to old-guard oligarchs, because those are the ones that brought their parents and grandparents to power. The people who’ve been funding them through their whole, 50-year careers. Those oligarchs have generally learned to avoid the public eye, including politicians that attract public scrutiny.
Donald Trump doesn’t care about relationships, heritage, or established trust. He just wants money and flattery, right now, in great volume, and that makes him uniquely susceptible to new money tech bros.
First time you do something is always harder. OpenAI just didn’t think it was 1000x harder and thought they’d have more time to cash in.
Myself, I think that being able to throw billions of dollars at hardware, and their focus on next-quarter results discouraged them from putting in the human effort to analyze and optimize their process. It turns out there were some fantastic optimizations to do.
I’m from a reasonably upper-middle class background; reasonably successful in a top-10 metro. So’s my brother, but he’s gone the McMansion & country club route where I’ve tended more modest. I don’t like visiting them. Their environment just rings all my class warfare buttons, triggers all my “you don’t belong here” warnings & the obsequiousness at the restaurants & venues they prefer is just gross. I mean, I’m a middle-aged white guy, dressed like all the other mf’s in the neighborhood, so I do “belong;” it just feels wrong.
Everybody gotta find their own comfort zone, and we have to appreciate that our friends & family can have different tastes. Sometimes, that does mean dressing up in funny costume & hanging out in uncomfortable spaces to share in their joy, but there’s tactful ways to explain/prepare your fam for unfamiliar situations, and there’s “Come here and let me dress you.”
I want to know why it’s not “Trump Land.”