• 120 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The minivan is the peak vehicle. You can fold down or take out the back seats and fit a 4x8 panel no problem. You can travel, haul, and store till your heart is content in it. It is a car chassis so it is low to the ground but with a tall cabin so you are nice and upright. No one even looks if you sped because you have like an invisibility filter against attention. Not only that, the only knock is that it isn’t cool…which makes no sense, if getting a sports car is “compensating” then having a minivan proudly means you have nothing needing to compensate for. It is the sigma of vehicles. (2013 town and country owner)

  • I thought the nuke was very good, and it isn’t lost on me that this isn’t for the mega fans, it’s for the people that only know Ethan from clips from biased feeds. It is stuff that fans know and have seen, but put in a way casual viewers need to see. I haven’t seen any actual critique against any of the content, just copium and hate, like attacking him for including Kaya. All in all, I think this was important and had some great points, like “Hasan and I are like 5 degrees apart on Palestine but that is too much for him” and “This conflict will never end until people realize that Palestinian liberation and Israeli security are not mutually exclusive. You need both.”

  • Are you learning networking? You’re entering the world of vlans. In the networking OSI model, Layer 3 is where you’re dipping your toes.

    I’m gonna try to over-simplify this, but each network has a gateway, which is a layer 3 device that helps a local network talk to other networks, either in the house or on the internet. That doesn’t have to be a physical device, it can be a virtual network device on your bigger layer 3 device. Most residential network gear won’t understand this. When you get into vlans, it’s like having multiple separate networks on the same devices; if you have “vlan 10” and “vlan 20”; devices on vlan 10 cannot see devices on vlan 20, even if they’re connected to the same switch. This is done by “tagging” ports, which is where you specify what network each port is on. You can also have a port with multiple vlans on it, which is called a “trunk”, but for this to work the network traffic has to carry a tag specifying what vlan each packet belongs to (though each trunk also has a “native” port, think of it like a default vlan if a packet isn’t tagged). The verbage changes based on the vendor, but that’s the idea.

    In the actual world, here’s how that works. Ports with devices on the other end with multiple devices/networks on them (access points, switches, firewalls) usually are trunks, then end client ports (your computer, a printer) are “access” ports. You would apply a single vlan to access ports, or make it an “untagged” port, whereas you “tag” multiple vlans on trunk ports. The networking devices will make most of that happen.

    So how can you shape the traffic between them? Your firewall/gateway/layer3 device. The easiest entrypoint into this is get a small computer (1L PC which you can get nearly as ewaste, having multiple network ports is good) and installing opnsense on it. It’s free and good for learning, and I use it in prod today. The opnsense box, let’s say, has 1 physical nic, then you create a virtual vlan interface on vlan 10 and 20. That becomes your “default gateway” on all client devices on the respective networks. All traffic leaving the networks go through this device (so faster network ports is better) and that is why firewall rules get to allow/block ports, IP’s, endpoints, etc. Your port forwards to the internet happen here as well. You can make a firewall rule to say your other network allows passing traffic to the original network on port 53 to the pihole, for example, so dns servers on a different “lan” can still be used.

    This is a complicated subject, but getting some gear on ebay (a “managed switch”) is a great way to learn. For example, I have an access point with a management interface on my “mgmt” vlan (99, number is arbitrary), then I have 2 ssid’s, one for IoT stuff (vlan 5) and one for my devices (vlan 4). The port going to the access point on the switch is native vlan 99 but tagged to allow traffic with packets tagged with vlan 4 or vlan 5, and the access point tags the traffic based on which SSID the client connects to, the client doesn’t care.

  • I mean, I think there’s a lot of reason to disbelieve him. There were multiple accusers that released the documentation and proof. He said that one accuser was not credible and provided no proof. He also said that that accuser had attacked someone else and didn’t provide any proof. At this point there’s lots of reasons to believe the accusers and not really any reason to believe him.

  • This rings extremely hollow to me. He provided no evidence that he was only given an hour and was not going to be able to ask for an extension. A person has publicly outed him, and he is not willing to share evidence to defend his side of the story because of respecting their privacy… That does not make a lot of sense when his entire livelihood has been compromised. Other than “Trust me bro, I was treated unfairly and I have no evidence but believe me, I was cancelled with a targeted attack and I did nothing wrong” this video contributes nothing of substance to the discussion.

  • Everything you feel is valid and it is overwhelming. You can’t fix it all quickly. It will seem awful to fix. It can be fixed. When it is behind you, you will be so grateful. You can’t fix all problems now, but when you fix the last problem, you will be grateful to past you for fixing the first problem. However bad things are now, they can get worse, so realize that honestly admitting to these things now under the guise of getting help is not something you should be ashamed of. I have been there, I got past it, and everything changed. Getting my depression dealt with took years, but when it was done, it gave me the space to tolerate the discomfort of weight loss to go from 310 to 185 and to fixy career and health.

    You need a therapist, and the right one. Don’t feel embarassed if it isn’t the right fit, I went through 5 or 6 and I’ve been with mine for 10 years. You don’t need to want to get a good grade from your therapist, you won’t disappoint your therapist by having a bad week, your therapist gives you the skills to deal with the difficult things so YOU can fix your problems.

    Meds won’t fix the problems, but they will help interrupt the feedback patterns that cause feelings to amplify and seem insurmountable. The right meds will take time to find and dose right, it can take months, but it can be the enabler to help you open mental doors easier. Don’t listen to social media opinions, have an honest discussion with your care team and be open to options that have helped this process for millions of people to your own comfort level. Effexor and lexapro caused more issues than help for me, but Zoloft changed my life and after a decade I am now tapering off… Everyone has a different chemistry and understand the right mix takes time.

    You got this.

  • I think the current dev cycle is harming hype for the game. The way snapshots work, there’s no surprises in the updates anymore, and like big creators do whole series in the snapshots before they even come out. There is a community issue of going into an update with it feeling “solved” unless you just blanket avoid update videos. Like when we get it on our server, I’m gonna speedrun get 2 pale logs, 1 sapling, and a creaking heart, get them into an ender chest, and the farm I think will work best is essentially already designed. There’s small hype as snapshots roll out but on the big day…few people play the new release (because like Doc said in his video today… everyone waits for mods) and most people have already experienced most of it via snapshot streamers. It feels like this dev cadence is destroying any hype for releases, and by making more releases, it’s putting strain on volunteers.

    I don’t know a fix; the snapshot system is a great feedback mechanism but by putting the game out there nearly in full it removes hype. Also, the snapshots should give mod developers time to build, but it isn’t panning out that way. Like Bundles and armadillos weren’t gonna get more players to play/come back to the game, and the people already playing that use mods didn’t upgrade to it. There’s a very narrow subset of people who that update benefitted, but for a lot of volunteer devs it put a ton of work on their plates.

    I think one major thing they could do is limit datapack and resourcepack revisions to 1.x releases, and not 1.x.y releases. As they put more functionality in datapacks to replace mods (for example, we’re done with LambDynamicLights over a datapack) the fact that there are 4 major pack versions in the 1.20.x cycle and 3 in the 1.21.x cycle is nuts. I think all pack format changes (that are not bug fix) should be held behind experimental. I also think the actual feature release that impacts tags and resource packs (like new mobs and items) really should be in 1.x releases.

    I would prefer

    1. Major changes to be locked to major 1.x version updates and limited to 2x/year
    2. Datapack and resource pack changes to be locked to the 1.x cycle
    3. Things in drops should be locked to experimental even if feature complete until the next 1.x
    4. 1.x.y should be non DP/RP changing updates (mechanic refinement for example like the minecart change or changing loot tables) and anything outside of that should be experimental toggle
    5. Minecraft should at a minimum refine the datapack format to enable storing variables in a format other than the scoreboard, and to support custom block and entity models, as it allows the replacement of a lot of mod functions with datapacks, and datapacks have a lower bar to entry to maintain and develop (they require no compilation).