I got two Speed Champion sets, Ferrari F40 and Audi S1 e-tron.
Unfortunately I haven’t had the time to build them yet.
I got two Speed Champion sets, Ferrari F40 and Audi S1 e-tron.
Unfortunately I haven’t had the time to build them yet.
My late uncle was really into computers. He was around 20 years older than me and as I kid I got to play around with his computers. My first time accessing the Internet was at his place too.
If it wasn’t for these experiences, I probably wouldn’t have made a career in IT myself.
Unfortunately I never got to “talk shop” with him but I like to think he is somewhere out there watching and guiding me.
But can it run Crysis?
Thanks for sharing, Tesseract seems awesome!
Thanks for sharing, Tesseract seems awesome!
Can’t wait to see you again next year!
And when you finally install the sticker somewhere, you instantly regret it still.
I can’t handle the spider scene. I got arachnophobia from watching it as a kid.
Beautiful shot!
Well done!
This is my favorite too!
Muistan että ala-asteella pelattiin paljon luolalentelyjä kuten Auts. Toinen kova mitä pelattiin oli SJ2 eli Ski Jump International 2. Tuon pelin rekisteröin itselleni kokoversioksi, muistaakseni niin että lähetin kirjekuoressa setelin ja paluupostissa tuli disketti sisältäen pelin.
Mikrobitissä esiteltiin MBnet-purkin pelien parhaimmistoa ja sieltä latasin RallySport-pelin. Sellainen humoristinen jääkiekkomanagerointipelikin oli kun MHM97.
Max knew what he was doing, unbelievable
Lance’s risk was not worth it
Can’t wait to see the sprint, hoping for some rain too.
Saadaankohan tähän yhteistyöhön leivottua pandat jotenkin mukaan vielä
Omg Max chill
Kesäloma alkoi tänään!
Otan viikonlopun rennosti ja lataan akkuja, kun ensi viikolle on muutama kyläilyreissu jo sovittuna.
I didn’t know private firefighters are even a thing.