“We”? 🤨
“We”? 🤨
Bird shot from a long barrel should reach high enough, and the descending pellets would do minimal damage to property and people.
Shouldn’t need a ton of power from the shot, just enough for the drone rotors to smack into and snap.
Lol. You have to resort to insults because you don’t have a logical position
Go unarmed then. I don’t actually care what you do. But if carrying a gun gives me a last resort to save my family in bear country, I’m going to train and carry.
If holding a gun makes you suicidal, homicidal, or if you’re worried you’ll accidentally kill someone, don’t carry or seek training.
Do what’s responsible for you.
I connected the links.hackliberty.org admin and theyre okay with hosting it on their c/Guns
If that’s how you want to do it. Nature is dangerous sometimes. Shouldn’t let that prevent you from seeing its beauty.
Many guns are still legal in Canada.
Forgive my ignorance, as someone who lives in cities where speed limits are regularly over 110kph, is 30 kph not painful slow?
Okay bud. If you don’t want to carry by all means no one is forcing you. But I’m going to protect my family when we camp or need to visit bear country for any reason.
Yes I agree do all of this, don’t just shoot everything you see. But on the chance this fails or you make a mistake, you should have a gun as a last resort.
Agree but you need to be very mindful for the type of gun.
Any more typical pistol like 9mm, 380, 45ACP won’t do much against a bear. 10mm high penetration rounds (ie not holopoints, hard cast is preferable) is probably the minimum I’d want if I can’t carry a rifle in bear country.
What are you on. Life and death situations are textbook uses for guns no matter how antigun rights you are.
What? That link immediately refutes this claim in the next sentence “Although this claim has been disputed because of the 83 incidents in the Smith study[10] only 18 cases involved an aggressive bear, and of those 18 only 9 involved a charging bear.”
Buc-ees is life. One of the best parts of a road trip.
Now you’re thinking like a patriot.
No interest in negotiating my constitutionally protected rights for the hope we finally get the social services and labor protections we deserve.
Yes I agree with the first 5 words of your comment.
Those other places also implemented things that actually reduce all violence like universal healthcare, workers rights, stronger welfare, maternity/paternity leave, mandatory vacation time, etc.
Places like the UK have lower rates of murder via martial attacks (punches, kicks, strangle, etc) yet I don’t think they have gym control limiting how strong you can be.
Happy, healthy, financially safe people don’t commit violence.
Yup. Even if you’re antigun, States blatantly disregarding federal directives should concern you.
Can this be easily self hosted?