Ash hole? No, it’s the Mt. St. Helussy
Other accounts:
@subignition (dead?)
Ash hole? No, it’s the Mt. St. Helussy
as someone who’s only vaguely aware of the product, that’s wild. What is it actually supposed to be used for? I thought the entire point was a strong smell to clear your sinuses.
No worries! All our different platforms are doing their best! 😎
AFAIK, this movement started this week.
The first sentence in their Substack post you linked:
The Shutdown315 Movement started as a small group of individuals on a Signal group chat on the eve of January 18th, 2025
It kind of seems like you reshared this image uncritically, without actually looking into the movement. To be clear, I absolutely support this kind of mass action, but for the reasons I outlined in my earlier post, I think it’s very dangerous for something like this to be fracturing support. I would hope that, if you are also in support of this kind of mass action (even if you are not affiliated with this specific movement), you would be tuned in enough to have run into the larger ones first, and it would have precluded you from sharing this here.
Regardless, thank you for hearing me out. I appreciate that you’ve shared GSUS here. It has more than 250x the support at present and as far as I can tell is the frontrunner in the effort. (Their SEO is good enough that they’re the second result on Google and the first result on Bing at the time of posting.)
As far as I can tell, Fedia allows me to directly upload one image from the filesystem (not the clipboard) when submitting a new thread. I confess I was too lazy to open Paint and stitch together all the mod log images. 😔
🤔 Deobfuscating the mod name would require me to be an instance admin, right? My screenshots were taken directly from my instance’s mod log. I took that to mean the moderation actions were done publicly (not set to anonymous by the moderator). Since the rule didn’t say “Always censor mod names” I thought I was doing things right. I suppose it’s possible there is an inconsistency in how Fedia displays the mod log, but I do see anonymous mod actions in there from time to time, so I don’t think it’s a case of Fedia not respecting the anonymity settings…
Anyway, I’ll go back and edit the images in the original post to use the embed format for convenience. (They show up as expandos here regardless.)
edit: It works! Thank you kind stranger!
Please understand that I was not highlighting the size of this movement just to be cruel or a downer.
A critical mass of participation is necessary for something on this scale to work. If this gets buy-in from only a few tens of thousands of people, they are just going to be harming themselves by participating on 3/15, rather than effecting any real change. It’s not feasible to set a date eight weeks out without first having specific demands in mind or some kind of broader organization.
I have to echo other commenters who are boosting (which you have thankfully also reposted to this community.) For this kind of mass social action unity is really important, and it makes sense to back a movement that already has greater support instead of fracturing the landscape by starting a new one. You can think of it like the spoiler effect in US politics.
I could have embedded the screenshots instead I suppose, but honestly I struggle to remember how to do that on fedi sites because I don’t do it very often.
I do have one post among the comments that were deleted, but I wanted to give a more zoomed-out overview of the goings-on rather than focusing on my own comment. If that’s not close enough to the desired format, then my bad… If that’s not what you’re referring to, though, I wouldn’t mind more specifics?
The expandos aren’t loading right on Fedia, but I can click through the direct links without issue. I’ve been using Imgur for a while because it had an easy integration with ShareX. Happy to take suggestions for another image host if you have some though, I’m sure I’m behind the times on this.
To clarify, there’s definitely some outright flaming and incivility in there that warranted deletion, but there’s a lot of valid comments and constructive criticism that got removed, too.
There’s no formal rules on this comm except “be civil”.
There is also a fair amount of deflecting in the thread (“I’m not affiliated with the movement, I’m just sharing it”) in response to posts that stayed up - I feel like if you’re sharing something on your own community, you ought to be prepared to have a discussion about it. You thought it was worth posting, so there are probably reasons you thought that, right?
Wow, you deleted my post? Is citing the engagement that subreddit received somehow not keeping it civil?
<700 subscribers in two weeks…
I suppose that’s fair, there are just a lot of people here who are here because they quit traditional social media.
Then I guess it’s my bad thinking you were trying to show 100 gigabit plans
None of those plans actually do reach 1gbps though, you kinda proved their point with your link
If this isn’t going viral on mainstream social media, I fear there won’t be much use to posting it here.
The article you linked describes plans reaching up to 1000Mbps (1Gbps).
That’s only 2% of the speed of the theoretical 50Gbps maximum OP’s article discusses (and 10% of the 10Gbps real-world speeds currently available in China according to the same article). I think you have your units mixed up.
we shouldn’t have records systems not subject to FOIA
It’s just a suggestion, but I would still report it after the fact and see if there were any traffic cameras or nearby businesses that might have caught it on CCTV.
But you do see how that’s still better, right? Kamala would at least have been open to public pressure, meaning it could have been possible to pull the emergency brake a little harder. Trump isn’t gonna change his mind for fuck all, and isn’t just releasing the brake, but slamming his foot on the gas.