Don’t forget stealing his child’s blood.
Don’t forget stealing his child’s blood.
I couldn’t find it in the App Store. How do you get it?
Huh. I never noticed, but that actually explains Ender’s Game.
I don’t get it either but think it’s a meme that people grabbed on to. We’re one step away from this appearing on Stephen Colbert. Sort of like talking about Taco Bell affecting people poorly.
More like those who aren’t taught how to use carbon steel, cast iron, and ceramics.
Carbon steel is lovely too.
We have to remember that Bill Cosby was praised for decades because he genuinely made the world a better place while being an utter sack of shit.
Duck them then lol. There are trains
Depends on the person. The emotionally immature ones base their identity on roles and nothing else. Once you achieve the role you don’t grow further. The mature ones are in a constant state of growing.
Think she did the Orange is the New Black intro song.
You are showing empathy and that is a good thing. Not wrong.
Human behavior is statistical. Everything you can think of there is someone doing it. Accept this fact and stop looking for normal and you’ll feel more peace.
Know that the reaction you have to their behavior is a “you” thing. The way you feel is certainly based on some past trauma or frustration. If you can figure out what that is and work in it, you’ll be free.
I’m accept Illinois too.
You forgot Colorado. But yes.
Ffs there’s no need for a car in NYC. Go live in the suburb if you want to drive.
Because she used those precise words.
I’ll take “Coerced” for $500, Alex.