Picard season 3 was probably the most dramatic improvement in Trek history
Picard season 3 was probably the most dramatic improvement in Trek history
I always have skipped the first two seasons of DS9 on rewatches to the point that i dont even remember most of the episodes in these seasons. I guess Ill have to give them another go
VI is a close second
Star Trek IV is the best TOS film, just sayin
I think it’s the first Trek that said explicitly that people fuck on the holodeck. DS9 was more adult than TNG and in a very good way.
I have both books. Very fascinating reads. Unification two parter is one of my favorite Trek two parters btw
Love that they went to some exotic alien structure in space and not just a normal planet
Which is why i said its outdated
I have ParamountPlus but I’ll just watch it on YouTube anyway as an excuse to watch the episode again
Yeah Kevin Sorbo is some Christian fundie now who does anti-atheist propaganda, lol
B5 looks a lot cheaper and cheesier than TNG, especially as it uses really bad outdated CG-I. I also imagine it was just a lot lower budget. Im strictly talking about aesthetically from what Ive seen on YouTube. Also I don’t think Ron Moore was influenced by B5.
Will do
Never saw Andromeda either, should try it out as well
Thanks for the detailed response, I’ll start with season 1 then. I like how Tomalak is in the show :D
Thanks for the heads up. Is Season Five bad or just not as good?
I guess I should try Foundation finally
PIC season 3 def should have been the first season.
Discovery doesn’t have a single good episode I’ve went back to revisit, while even the “weaker” series like ENT have episodes I revisit.
Lower Decks mostly references TOS-ENT, so it won’t matter much.
Season 2 has a few gems but yes its an overall bland season