Extreme respect! I’m gonna throw down like all my money on the spot if I ever see it finished in the showcase.
Extreme respect! I’m gonna throw down like all my money on the spot if I ever see it finished in the showcase.
If this is about a personal relationship, all you should focus on is minimizing harm. Assume that any fear on one party is valid, and help to keep them separate from a potential attacker. Don’t invalidate the feelings of either party - we may not always get to learn the truth, but many times we have to mitigate with incomplete information, but also that it is not your responsibility to fix alone. Remember that your strength is for protection, not destruction. Everyone sees things differently, including you, so there might be red flags that one party sees clearly that you missed - assume their judgment is right. If you are super positive, double checked, super sure that there is no risk of harm, then you dont need to directly intervene, but you can still emotionally support both sides without invalidating the other one, and it’s their loss if this is only about turning you into the rope in a tug of war for attention. Make some different friends if this is only about manipulating you.
If this, however, is about politics, then you must remember that the only true natural law is that the biggest army wins, therefore, there is no such thing as neutrality. You cannot stand for all sides, nor should you stand for nothing and you should move to protect your family, friends and community from acts of hatred. Use your strength for protection, never against the weak and powerless, lest your own alliances and friendships be short lived; History shows repeatedly that movements formed from hatred are weak, short sighted, make poor allegiences, never learn from history, and are self destructive. Distrust any source of information that makes you feel scared and angry - especially if they use stereotypes to do so - since these are wedges to separate you from your community and to keep you addicted to propaganda. Keep your sources of information as varied as a healthy diet would be. And never ever, no matter how bad things seem to get, lose your faith in humanity. In the art of trying to be well informed, you will stare into the abyss. And the 1/3 of the human population made of evil hearts will dominate this information. You wont hear any of the other 2/3. Especially that last third made of good hearts. Hold onto this hope, and you will know any voice against the whole of society is wrong.
Sad to hear about ID. They’re often the only Nestle competetor in the cream section. Black coffee it is then.
That’s because authoritarianism isnt an idealology outside of authority worship, it just hijacks the surrounding culture, reclaims it for itself, and transforms all symbols into meaningless team colors. Notice how trump supporters say they represent democracy and freedom despite being opposed to it. Or how christion authoritarians throw around Jesus’s name without understanding a word he ever said. Or how Stalinists insist that they’re left leaning communists despite cheering for the tanks that crush their comrades. This pattern continues worldwide and affects every nationality and religion.
Authoritarians dont have principles. They have loyalty only, they cannot comprehend non-loyalty principled thinking, and so they see symbols only as a team identifier.
Political compasses dont work for principled worldviews, because principled worldviews cant be graphed on axes. It’s just a horoscope effect. Principled worldviews are distinct like pokemon types are. They have to be individually studied to be understood. It is not possible to extrapolate from your first beleif system.
Responding as a java/kotlin maintainer of one single large system with frequent requirement changes. what i call “high entropy” programs. Other developers have different priorities and may answer differently based on what kind of system they work in, and their answers are also valid, but you do need to care about what kind of systems they work on when you decide whether or not to follow their advice.
In my experience, if the builder of the original system didn’t care about maintainability, then it’s probably faster to rewrite it.
Of course, then you’d have to be able to tell what maintainable code looks like, which is the tricky part, but includes things like,
Bad signs:
Most software in general has hard to detect issues after several weeks of uptime. Its something that’s fundamentally hard to test and fix. Its a big reason why “did you turn it off and on again” is such universal advice.
People with constant exposure to oxygen will die. Nobody has ever survived long term contact with it.
The three-page, handwritten document found on him suggested a motive, according to investigators. The pages expressed “ill will” towards corporate America, they said.
Why does he have a random handwritten note “found” on him? What was he planning on doing with it?
Android app dev here, i cant tell you what governments are capable of, but i can describe for you some of the complicating factors preventing them from doing this.
For one, to prevent impersonation, apps are cryptographically signed by the developer using a private key they never share with anyone (like a password), and the public key is sent to Google Play and the App Store so that they can verify the identity of the uploader. This prevents app store listings from being hijacked by rivals, competetors, hackers, pirates, foreign governments, and yes, their own government. So, any goverment cant just walk up and push a rogue update to the store.
For two, deploying app updates isn’t my job, it’s Google’s and Apple’s. In my opinion if the government wanted to hijack the supply chain, going directly to Apple or Google would be the way to do it. The narrowest group of people I can push updates to are the people who opted into alpha or beta versions. To target an individual, youd have to do it through Google or Apple.
For three, my boss barely gives me enough time and resources to meet the company’s own goals, let alone letting me clean up tech debt. The idea of a government that twists my boss’s arm to force me to work for the government instead of the shareholders is kinda funny and nonsensical. I live in the USA, where shareholders are king. I bet that even if we went full toltalitarian this would never happen because of rich people backlash. So i dont think the hacking coming from inside a company would happen. Then again, i perhaps dont work for a juicy enough place to see how a government could solve this problem, *or maybe they would be stupid enough to incur the political expense anyway.
And last, money money money. Programmers are not cheap. Designing and dedicating and selecting targets for an attack isnt cheap. Hacking into a company to steal their private key isnt cheap, and could also be expensive in a political sense if the wrong people get pissed off aboit it… If paranoia is what drives your question, then ask yourself, are you a high profile politician? A billionaire? A high profile leader of a movement like Martin Luther King Jr? Someone actually worth spending several millions of dollars on to spy on? If you’re a simple petty theif or protestor than i wouldn’t bother worrying about this.
*If you’re worred about your personal data getting taken and spied on., your bigger worry is the browser you use and what data gets stored on servers for services you use. Those are waaaaaaaay less expensive to get into.
So basically, id only worry about relying on apps owned by the government. Or the services you use that take your data to sell it to advertisers, because theyll give it to the government directly as well.
Most homeless shelters in San Francisco dont allow people to take their belongings in with them.
Attitudes towards the homeless are highly backwards - demanding sobriety as a condition for aid, when in reality drugs are used as a way to escape the pain of trauma and homelessness. SF residents voted and passed Proposition F, cementing the idea that feeling smugness over the homeless is more important than actually trying to help them escape poverty.
The illusion of power is not the same as actually having it. I wish more men understood this. There is no republican policy that actually empowers working class men to do better in their lives. The sports of dunking on liberals is a distraction from the fact that republicans have no plan to help their constituents.
Also, like whiny crybabies like the former president are not masculine and definitely not role models for such. If he was, then republican men would find dates a lot easier. This faked version of masculinity is not fooling women, who see the whiny, fragile intolerance for what it is: a cowardly fear of everyone different than themselves. Incels under republican rule will still never get dates, and they never have in whatever rose glasses version of the past theyre idealizing. Hateful cowards simply aren’t attractive. The “return” to power isn’t there. Its a lie.
edit: my bad i thought i was in c/politics
For a computer, I recently learned there are mod kits for the game boy, so i installed a backlit screen on mine. I use rechargeable batteries with it.
Yeah im sure they could just use their spare 2 million dollars they had sitting around after the Camp fire to buy a home in a safer area in northern California. Easy peasy.
Cushioned, motorized reclining seats with footrests. Thick armrests so that you have a little personal space from your neighbors. And, they still got the drink holders. Quite different than the cheaper plastic seats from two decades ago.
I feel bad for the parents because I bet so many of them are unaware of the totally greedy changes Disney has put in these last 5 years. Their parents took them to Disneyland so they just do the same for their own kids.
Anyway, they monetized their “fast pass” system in a way that they have an economic incentive to keep lines long. - despite everyone having smartphones, and despite Disney already having a park app for people to use. I won’t be visiting while that’s in effect, that’s for sure.
Ah, so that’s what the pro gamers are doing.
It’s one of those pads you put on top to keep dirt from getting in between the keys
Self-reporting survey of subjective symptoms is the lowest possible standard to have. This is some wakefield-tier garbage. Thanks, now I’ll know to avoid the LA Times.
As someone with stubby, short legs, I’m always partying like it’s 1999.
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