I don’t want to take away from the valid point of your comment, but rocket science is almost exclusively math
I don’t want to take away from the valid point of your comment, but rocket science is almost exclusively math
Reporting on the proposed Minnesota law. What’s next, forced sterilization?
But boxes famously don’t roll!
bargaining chip
I prefer not to blanket hide everything marked nsfw, the occasional racey comic is fine. I also hate how subreddits like /r/idiotsincars will mark stuff nsfw just for someone going “oh shit!” in their dashcam footage. That’s obviously not what the tag is for! Anyway, thanks for the suggestion, it’s good to know it is there.
For how long do you need to have been in the Linux space before pp table stops being funny? Because I’m new, and hehehehe
Got it, thanks!
Thanks! That was easy enough, I feel like I should have found that by myself
There’s plenty of chemicals that either don’t have a taste, or are harmful at concentrations we aren’t able to detect by taste. I’m not saying they’re in plastic necessarily, but they definitely exist.
Metal: Hellsinger is 70% off and while it isn’t a GOTY type game, it’s a hell of a lot of fun if you’re a contemporary metal music fan.
Have you played BPM: Bullets Per Minute? If so, how would you say it compares? I like metal and I like shooting demons, but that one never really grabbed me, I’m not sure why.
They asked for more information about a topic in which they were interested, on a forum designed to spread information. I don’t think you can reasonably fault the person asking for more information of being lazy, when the OP could be considered equally lazy for not including the context in the first place, right?
Either way you’re right, being able to look things up is a good skill to have! But maybe don’t be a jerk about it, we left reddit for a reason, right? ;)
Cans are lined with plastic that bleed estrogenic chemicals into the beverage
I did some quick looking through google Ecosia and I found some stuff that (seemingly? I’m not an expert) confirms this. It made sweeping statements about pretty much all plastic, though. Do you still drink stuff from plastic bottles?
This sounds like a snide comment but it’s not, I’m interested because I currently still drink both from cans and plastic bottles!
“very sketchy” compared to what standard though
I’ve been using it for a few days as well, I honestly don’t notice a difference. I wasn’t a chat gpt power user to begin with. So all of the upsides of switching without any of the downsides, sounds good to me!
This part of the interview surprised me the most:
There were times when people refused to talk at all. But in my opinion, this was not so much because we were from Russia but rather because it was just too painful for them to revisit those events and relive everything again mentally. I spoke with a man in a small town outside Mykolaiv, and he said, “I don’t have any particular hostility toward Russians — I lived in Moscow myself and studied there. But, sorry, I just can’t talk about this. It’s too painful.” I understand that.
Of course, when they spoke about the [Russian soldiers] who came to their towns, they did so with deep hostility, verging on hatred. Sometimes, they used harsh words, calling them “orcs” or even worse. But quite often, when they used such words, they made it clear that they were not referring to us [Memorial’s staff]. In most cases, they distinguished between us and those who had come as occupiers.
The quote in the title is buried all the way at the bottom, it seemingly references the story in this article;
Q: The war in Ukraine has basically unfolded live on television. With so much already available online, was there anything you encountered on this trip that surprised you?
A: Strictly speaking, I wasn’t at the front. We were behind Ukrainian lines. It’s true that a lot is already known about this war — there are countless documents, photos, videos, and firsthand accounts from participants and witnesses. Overall, I didn’t come across anything fundamentally new that I hadn’t heard about before. But, of course, reading about something in the news and hearing about it directly from those who lived through it — especially the victims — is an entirely different experience. One story that struck me particularly hard was from a former Ukrainian prisoner of war who described the torture he endured. At a prison in Mordovia, where he was held, POWs were forced to stand with their hands behind their heads, facing a wall, without moving. From 6 a.m. to 10 p.m., with only short breaks — for six months. Later, the conditions were somewhat relaxed. While it’s well documented that a vast number of POWs have been tortured in Russia, I’d never heard of this specific type of torture before.
reindustrialize? Hasn’t the American (war) machine been steadily growing since world war 2? That sounds snide, but I actually don’t know.
The only one finishing too fast here is OP
I also hopped on the de-USA train. Breaking free from Google’s shackles will be the hardest, I think, but I’m making progress.
Then an hour ago I dropped my phone while filling up my car and the screen cracked. I bought it in November of last year. I’m fucking pissed, dude.
It kind of sounds like you’re the defeatist one? Let’s just vibe, dude. What have you been up to lately?