My buddy and I have been cheezin’ out playing elite dangerous vr. Not doing much in the game, really, but basically enjoying the modern version of this pic.
My buddy and I have been cheezin’ out playing elite dangerous vr. Not doing much in the game, really, but basically enjoying the modern version of this pic.
Cool, thanks! Reaper seems pretty capable, but I’ve heard good things about bitwig.
I’m coming from protools, and it’s gonna take some adjustments, so I’m trying to figure out what’s worth putting time into.
Moment moment.
I’m messing with reaper right now and just got my daisychained firewire interface working. What sold you on bitwig? I’m interested, but I haven’t looked into it yet.
Hell ya. I’m resurrecting a netbook right this moment. Pretty stoked about it.
This is a better take than conspiracy shit tbh. Personally, I was ice skating with the guy.
Probably not. She was from New England with a primary care physician and just returned from a trip to Bangkok, Thailand; Tokyo, Japan; and Hawaii. She was insured.
Thanks, I’ll check that out.
I was so surprised when I was preparing for the battle of installing it on my kids’ computer and found out the answer was … dl the linux version from the minecraft website.
That face when you see acab and fuck 12 spray painted all over Lyon.
Not to mention the art they created certainly did more good than the average keyboard warrior trying to call music meaningless.
Finally, someone in this thread remembers high school gov class.
2/3rds of both houses and 38 states to ratify. Don’t remember that being the case. Rofl, lol, jajaja
It would not. And they can not.
All is not consolidated, though. “All” is your local feed plus what is subscribed to by users on your instance. It isn’t everything by default, afaik.
So, some of the list was a stretch. Damn.
Tell me you can’t see a promotional tie-in to a TV show for what it is without telling me.
Ya, half that list is an epic stretch. Borderline numerology shit.
Dude used one of the largest platforms available to cook that beef. Agree, def petty.