• 272 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 21st, 2024


  • I’d say it’s a step more “serious racing” than Kart. Transformed had more complex drifting and boosting mechanics to emphasize good racing skills. There are still powerups, but they’re relatively weak. The closest blue shell equivalent is the swarm, which summons a swarm of giant wasps to sit in front of the race leader, but it’s always dodgeable with good steering. The medium-level pickups require good aim or awareness of who’s near you. The Kart strategy of only caring about the last lap is still possible in Transformed, but trying to get ahead as far as possible is also a doable strategy.

  • I’m sure someone at Valve also had fond memories of that toilet.

    Amazingly, I played this game when it came out and discovered it has Steam Controller binds out of the box!

    At this point, the fact that Portal is in the Half-Life universe is just a fluke. The plots of Portal 2 singleplayer, co-op, and PTI are very “distant” from anything happening with Half-Life. The two series are tonally very mismatched. Their strongest connection is that Aperture bumbled their way into possessing Half-Life plot-critical stuff and then losing the boat that contained it.

  • Free tech tip: https://cht.sh/ serves practical, usage-focused help on common command-line tasks. You can visit the website, or even better, curl for what you want.

    $ curl cht.sh/touch

    gets you this:

    # To change a file's modification time:
    touch -d <time> <file>
    touch -d 12am <file>
    touch -d "yesterday 6am" <file>
    touch -d "2 days ago 10:00" <file>
    touch -d "tomorrow 04:00" <file>
    # To put the timestamp of a file on another:
    touch -r <refrence-file> <target-file>

    Append with ~ and a word to show only help containing that word:

    $ curl cht.sh/zstd~compress


    # zstd
    # Compress or decompress files with Zstandard compression.
    # More information: <https://github.com/facebook/zstd>.
    # Decompress a file:
    zstd -d path/to/file.zst
    # Decompress to `stdout`:
    zstd -dc path/to/file.zst
    # Compress a file specifying the compression level, where 1=fastest, 19=slowest and 3=default:
    zstd -level path/to/file
    # Unlock higher compression levels (up to 22) using more memory (both for compression and decompression):
    zstd --ultra -level path/to/file

    For more usage tips, curl cht.sh/:help.