Also from San Andreas (or maybe Vice City) R1 R2 L1 R2 left down right up left down right up. It was used for different weapon sets and I think you could change the dpad combo at the end for different sets (eg left down right up left down down down)
Also from San Andreas (or maybe Vice City) R1 R2 L1 R2 left down right up left down right up. It was used for different weapon sets and I think you could change the dpad combo at the end for different sets (eg left down right up left down down down)
Good idea. I should back these up to Tresorit from time to time as well. Thanks!
Maybe this isn’t a robust strategy, but I run HA in Proxmox and have nightly snapshots of that VM. Anytime I need to restore I just revert to the appropriate snapshot
+1 to this. Tresorit and Mullvad are both exceptional
I left to Tuta (E2EE and German based) and switched from Simple Login to Addy. Took less than an hour and it’s been smooth sailing.
Reminds me of project Silica. Media historically was more durable (stone/ ink and cloth paper, etc) but had a low data density. As density increased, so did fragility
So, right now Advanced Data Protection (ADP) shows the things that will be fully E2EE, which isn’t everything. Does this mean that, if enforced, that list would remain in place but not actually be E2EE or would be updated to show the items that are still E2EE (if any)? Guessing the former, which is scary.
Thank you. I’m currently using Wealthfront at 4%, but interest rates change so I’ll keep that one in mind
That’s the same switches I’m thinking of getting as well. Thanks for the feedback!
Exactly what I do as well. Unfortunately some things like tuition and rent only accept ACH :/
Gotcha, that makes sense. The only cards I see offering this are Fold and Bilt, and I’m not sure Bilt would handle anything other than rent (as that’s all they advertise). Thank you for the reply
Yeah, but these are also sometimes a numbers game. For example, rewards credit cards can offer their rewards because they make more than what they are worth in interest + annually fees for the cards. It is possible to make this work for you if you never carry a balance on your card, and make back some amount > the annual fee.
You’re right though, these companies aren’t just giving money away for free. You have to be very strategic to make these things work in your favor.
You guys should stick it to him by importing his citizens
So sad, I remember seeing his YT vid announcing his health updates and mentioning he was getting things in order to make his network more manageable for his family :(
He seemed like a great dude.
Ah, thanks! Corrected
Very nice! Tempted to grab one, as I prefer 100% and this looks great. How does it sound and perform compared to something like a Keychron Q6?
My exact thoughts, except I cancelled my auto-renewal and emailed support asking for a refund (and mentioning why). This way they find out sooner than later that this type of action is losing them business and can take corrective actions. I will likewise return if they change up their leadership in the future.
I started testing out alternatives immediately after discovering his post. I understand they’re saying this was a mistake and was meant to have been posted from his official account and not the company account, but that is still a bit off putting to me. As others have mentioned, this also made me aware of how many eggs I have in this basket, and after trying out alternatives for a few days I made the full switch away from ProtonMail, Calendar and VPN to Tuta + Mullvad.
Unfortunately, my Unlimited plan renewed in November and customer service has stated they will not refund me for the remaining time, as 30 days has passed. Oh well, I can at least cancel my auto-renewal :)
Ah shoot. I guess that makes sense that it might not match 1:1 if it’s using some advanced recurrence rules. When I exported from Proton and imported to Tuta, I did it as a CSV and needed to modify the columns a bit to get it to import, but my recurring appointments seemed to have come over fine. They are fairly simple though.
Is that Louis CK?