The first, and my second least favorite, in the TV and film meme series: Toiletvision.
The first, and my second least favorite, in the TV and film meme series: Toiletvision.
No, thank you.
I did something similar actually. The characters are hand made out of paper, I just snap a pic and remove background. Charlie and Ben as teens
P.S. notice how Charlie has hooves
He has sons?! I actually have 2 characters of Ben and Charlie as teens, I make them by hand out of paper then take a picture, remove background and make little shorts. You gave me a great idea though. I actually used the B&B couch for one video. I’ll share once can embed, here’s a still from it though.
No, 2025 years ago is when God’s son, who was also God, came down to sacrifice himself to himself to save us from what he himself was going to do to us. 6000 years is the age of the earth. Read a book for once (and by a book, I mean A book. Singular. Just one. You can even get free by swiping it from a hotel room…but then you’d go to Hell…maybe just buy one.) A Trump Bible (they exist) —- just kidding, thank you for your comment and watching my video!
Very kind. There’s a little stupid 30 second video linked there (Imgur). There’s a special middle bit, it lasts about 6 seconds but I’m pretty proud of it lol.
That is one big pile of shit. No! How did I forget to add that quote to the audio?! That was Trump appointee level incompetence on my part. I’ll tell you what it was, I let my work day distract me from my important tasks. It won’t happen again!
On a separate topic: If anyone knows how I can post embedded video on Lemmy, please let me know.
I fixed the article -> The show has been criticized by the small faced fascist community for its use of digital effects to enlarge Kirk’s face. The show’s production team fired back at critics saying, ‘Many people stream TV on their smart phones and tablets. Kirk’s face would be imperceptible on such a screen. So, unless you want everyone to watch Piss Baby on an IMAX screen, digital face magnification technology must be utilized. In the end, it doesn’t matter what size your face is…as long as it’s white!’
<excerpt from article> The show has been criticized by the small faced fascist community for its use of digital effects to enlarge Kirk’s face. The show’s production team fired back at critics saying, ‘Many people stream TV on their smart phones and tablets. Kirk’s face would be imperceptible on such a screen. So, unless you want everyone to watch Piss Baby on an IMAX screen, digital face magnification technology must be utilized. In the end, it doesn’t matter what size your face is…as long as it’s white!’
It’s indeed an innovative technique, it’s also how Ted Nugent records his lead vocals.
This is definitely Dinesh D’Souza’s best directorial work.
It’s all practical effects too! That’s real, honest to God piss that Charlie’s soaked in, none of that CGI bullcrap!
That’s a subplot, yes, but the main narrative is about lib’ruls forcing businesses and corporations to have bathroom facilities available on their premises when employees can just cut a hole in the butthole of your pants and poop on the go without stealing time from your employer. We call that move ‘drainin’ the swamp.’ It’s your American doody. Anyway, the movie is on PureFlix and The Blaze, check it out.
It’d be like going into modern warfare, standing in a straight line out in an open field, firing a single round of shots, then shouldering your weapons and waiting patiently for them to return fire. Platoon after platoon of soldiers are massacred by the other side, who are fighting dirty. The general keeps saying, ‘No fair, we’re getting slaughtered out there! But, once we’re all dead, people will realize that those other guys were being real assholes…then, who’s the real winner! Ha! Ok, boys, line up the next platoon and remember, don’t fire until you’ve reached the center of the field and for the love of God, only one shot each! …I mean, if any of the platoons ever eventually survive long enough to fire a shot. But, I’m feeling good about this next one! Charge! …I’ll just wait back here where it’s safe.”
I don’t know why she’s complaining, it could be worse. Last Trump inauguration, 3 Doors Down was forced to play 3 Doors Down songs!
It looks like if you could see his whole body he’d be doing that exaggerated tip toe walk from old cartoons.
All these crazy Executive Orders are just to distract us while they steal our underpants.
Orgasm, in the free market, goes to the person who reaches it first. And no one, and I mean no one, orgasms more quickly than me. - Dennis Prager