In Bluey they call them capsicums. Which is a fun word to say, we do that now.
Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.
In Bluey they call them capsicums. Which is a fun word to say, we do that now.
Who’s “we”, motherfucker?
I noticed that prices crashed a couple weeks ago and I ran into three spawns in an hour. Is this a recent change?
Any non Hulu source?
Yeah, I don’t think anyone is arguing that the Canadian military wouldn’t get roflstomped in hours. It’s more about the insurgency afterwards, I’d say.
Not all the American occupiers can be armed and wearing body armour 100% of the time. They have to sleep and piss occasionally.
Who’s radicalizing? There’s no US invaders on Canadian soil, what are we radicalizing against?
A fascist takeover of Canada would inevitably result in a guerilla war. This is just a fact.
You’re just as dead if you’re shot by a Ross rifle or Lee-Enfield as by a whizbang gizmo-addled wank-rifle with 10 attachments and a CDROM drive.
Canada is five large cities, which are easy to capture, and an entire USSR-size back-country of rough terrain, which would be nearly impossible to patrol and hold in the face of even a mildly resentful populace. You don’t have to have the entire population actively fighting - passive resistance would make it difficult to do anything in the face of shrugs and "I dunno"s.
Resistance fighting can be picked up pretty fast, and in the face of brutal American reprisals and repression, I think it would be. Their history in Afghanistan and Vietnam shows that they’d create an entire generation of people out for revenge VERY quickly.
We would hide our insurgents, and they would fade into the mountains and forests. You don’t need a lot of active insurgents to cause a huge problem.
We have cheap drones and abundant weapons. We’re one of the more gun-infested countries per capita, and have a porous border with the USA.
It’d be a hell on Earth. They’d never hold the Rockies.
Resource extraction operations. Forestry and mining are easy to disrupt, especially if the local labour doesn’t like the occupiers. There are a thousand ways to gum up the works, and a thousand more to attack them and fade away into the surrounding forest.
I like to assemble the pizza on parchment. Makes everything a bit easier.
The point is that it’s a passive process, not an active one. No need for pumping.
Water is so much denser than air that you do get more exposure time per unit time.
Really loved this one.
Don’t worry, when the tree he’s under starts letting the rain through, he’ll just move to a new tree.
The concentration isn’t as important as the difficulty to remove it. It’s still a hard problem, but rock weathering is one way to accomplish it, but it would need a lot of exposed rock surface.
A bit silly. I picked up the Holy Mightstone quest item on my WoW paladin in like 2005, and decided to save it to use, someday, to get some RP revenge on Arthas. I held on to it until facing him down I’m WotLKs Icecrown Citadel raid, and used it on our first boss attempt. I want to say that was 7 years but I can’t be arsed to look it up.
Immediately wiped, of course, but winning was never the point.
Water absorbs a lot of co2 and removing it from the water via weathering is a valid idea.
Megagermans vs milligermans
I like it. Wouldn’t give up being able to move ours around, but that is cool.
I believe TD Bank has US presence. But they would be operating under USA rules.
As a native speaker, fuck, fuck this fucking language.
For chips, Covered Bridge.