Your average friendly nihilist from Finland.
Fins didn’t invite Nazis. Route to Norway through Finnish territory was prerequisite for much needed military supplies and weapons. After the germans were here they pretty much went where they pleased. No official military alliance was signed.
Yeah, pretty much the same with all random creatures that I come across. Dogs, cats, crows, deers, foxes, badgers.
Can’t help myself <("0 ")>
If I understand correctly Canada has a kind of similar worldview as Nordic countries. Traiding that to a right wing capitalist shit hole like US would be a no go.
Looks just like Elite Dangerous had a graphics update.
Trump heard there was this guy called Flintheart Glomgold, who’s really rich and excellent potential member in his inner political circle.
Oli aikamoinen sillisalaatti. Viivi oli teknisesti paras laulaja, mutta tympeä biisi, Goldielocks oli kokonaisuudeltaan paras, mutta biisi sopii paremmin radiohitiksi kun euroviisuihin, Vikman erottuu euroviisuissa parhaiten massasta, mutta niin tyrkky ja erikoisuutta tavoitteleva, että saattaa aiheuttaa vastarektion.
Onnea nyt kumminkin Erikalle.
I miss physical keyboards that you were able to flip from the back.
You know, if all mentally ill would announce themselves in a one public place we would save a lot of money. Maybe this is Donalds 3d chess move? Savings in psychoanalysis.
Oh, he won’t leave. At that point he has declared himself an god emperor.
Trump wants to strip mine Ukraine in order to give China the finger.
Currently China has it’s arm in US ass up to their elbows and can hurt them really bad if president Cheetos pisses them off bad enough.
Base inflation is generated, because money gets printed without connection to any real resource and because banks can loan money they don’t have, so they are generating income from nothing.
Entities in the beginning of the monetary flow i.e. banks are not affected, but entities in the end of the money flowi i.e. consumers are constantly loosing value of their savings.
Well, actually they serve the company first.
If you report someone for unacceptable behaviour or sexual harassment, it’s the fastest way to get yourself on a “list”.
You are underestimating the power of modern propaganda, especially now that AI is in the mix. Custom reality for anyone.
Yeah. US is like a big brother that has been sniffing the wrong things and is starting to have psychotic episodes with a threat of violence.
TEMU has many shiny “leather” coats. Just gotta be careful they don’t melt on you if you are under spotlights or give you a lymphatic cancer.
Gandalf first needs to purge the orange gremling from the white house.
Has anyone seen Bernies cape and staff?
I’m sorry, but I have to stand with Italians on this. There are pizzas and then there are pies.
Give this man an Emmy