Convolutional networks are typically used in image processing for object detection or recognition, classification etc. but not for generating images, as far as I know.
Ich mag Pflanzen und hab ein extra Regal dafür. Support your FOSS (Free and OpenSource Software) projects!🫶🏼
Convolutional networks are typically used in image processing for object detection or recognition, classification etc. but not for generating images, as far as I know.
Make sure to read the Magisk installation instructions carefully (in case you choose Magisk).
Some things have changed, I messed up once thinking “I already know how this works” :D
I guess the assumption is that over time they inevitably will have an effect and people want to switch before that happens.
Yes, but you could just name him the “triangle inequality guy” that’s note readable :D
The built in ftp server is incredibly useful too
First day on the internet? Der andere User ist doch extrem höflich und weist darauf hin, dass es problematisch sein kann, auch nur “Orte in der Nähe” zu markieren. (Womit er btw sehr recht hat!)
Du fühlst dich vermutlich vor den Kopf gestoßen, weil du eine deiner Meinung nach harmlose und schöne Idee teilen wolltest und nicht mit Kritik gerechnet hast. Verständlich.
Das ändert aber nichts daran, dass es eine dumme nachteilhafte Idee ist, Leute anzustiften sich selbst zu (soft) doxxen 😁
GaLiGrü 😃😃👋👋👋👋👋
Yeah, I wouldn’t recommend doing that.
And that’s not how you establish a PKI or implement AE (authenticated encryption). When I send a voice message e.g. I don’t verbally sign it, that’s actually part of KE (key exchange) protocol.
Same applies to non encrypted, authenticated communication of course.
And in case you are talking about physical face to face communication: I think you’d recognize your family and friends without the help of cryptography.
Edit: if you have any question, feel free to ask! Maybe I misunderstood you? Then I’m sorry
We don’t need code words, we need a proper PKI (public key infrastructure) for authenticated communication.
Hätte ich drauf kommen können… 🫠
Bei mir sind allerdings keine Bäume sondern Blumen/Sträucher 🌼🌿
Because it was just pulled out
I think this is the best answer. I’d like to add, that game genres are often comparable to forms of sport. So e.g. I hate running 😅 but love surfing.
So just as there is a sport for almost everyone, there is probably at least one genre you like. Now where to start, that’s a but more difficult. But there are already good answers for that
I want your ☺️ in my mouth
Thanks for this post, made me laugh actually
Nah, it’s wholesome! :p
OMG this took me way too long to get. They replace the substring “ass” 😭😭
Edit: had to reset my password via the reset link in the welcome email.
But the Android app is already available. Although I can’t log in… Is this because the server is overwhelmed or are Android users indeed blocked? Why would they release the app then?
I think it’s a joke (maybe)
Didn’t SIA wrote it and allegedly in like 30 minutes or so?