queermunist she/her

/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!

  • 34 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Well think about it from the Flatlander’s perspective! They can’t even perceive the cylindrical shape of their space. They wouldn’t be able to go behind the cylinder from their perspective, all they could do is go forward far enough that the shape of space hides them.

    It’s not just semantics imo, cuz it would apply to us as well. If you’re ever confronted with a 4th dimensional being then the only way you can hide is to get far enough away. You can’t see the curvature of spacetime so that’s useless for you.

  • Waiting for a president who will provide it before you take any political step, even if what happens while you’re waiting is that you go into a concentration camp for being queer or communist, while the genocide in Palestine actually accelerates and starts being replicated in a lot of other places across the world; I don’t think that is a good idea. Do you think that is a good idea?

    If my red state puts me into a camp Joe fucking Biden wouldn’t do shit about it, and the genocide might be completed before election day, so I’m not sure I understand the question.

    You seem to think Trump is infinitely worse. He’s not. He’s somewhat worse in some ways, and just as bad in others.

    A demon country ruled by monsters.

    I asked you a serious question. Who should win the election in November? If you were running the Democrat’s strategy, who would you nominate instead of Biden?

    A former first lady is not an unserious answer. She’s actually probably do very well against Trump. She’s likeable, doesn’t have any real baggage, and obviously her husband would support her.

    They could also try the also-rans from 2020, so Warren or Buttigieg, or they could elevate someone from the House or the state-level, but I think you missed my point.

    Literally any well-known Democrat is a better option than a man that is in serious decline. Otherwise we’ll be in an Emperor’s new clothes situation where they try to gaslight us into thinking Biden is qualified.

    EDIT well hold on, I misspoke. I think Kamala Harris would maybe be a worse choice, and everyone knows it, which is why no one is putting her forward as a serious answer. She just doesn’t have the juice.

    But like I said, realistically they’ll pick Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney i.e. a different disaster

  • But trying to extrapolate from that to that he’s a bad labor president when on every non economy ruining strike he’s been 100% on the side of the workers which is incredibly rare for a US president, I think is unfair.

    Labor is strongest when it ruins the capitalist economy. That’s the fucking point. It’s a class war and the enemy is winning, we need to hit back. Make the markets scream!

    Do you also have a problem with aligning contracts in 2028 so all the unions can launch a general strike? That would fuck the economy up pretty badly.

    I actually have an answer in mind that I like, far more realistic than some that I’ve heard, but I’m curious what your solution would be.

    Michelle Obama, why not?

    I don’t really care, I just know that Biden is going to be even worse by the next debate. Running Biden is handing the presidency to Trump at this point.

    Although knowing the Democrats they’ll do some dog-brained scheme like running Mitt Romney 💀

  • I feel pretty aggressive about Biden aiding and abetting genocide, supplying Israel with enough bombs to turn Gaza into a death camp. I feel pretty aggressive about Biden just coming out against gender affirmation surgery for minors for no fucking reason. I’m also still feeling pretty fucking aggressive that he broke the railroad strike, but that was years ago so you probably forgot about it.

    Biden being medically unfit for the office has basically nothing to do with me not wanting him to be president.

    But at least it’s something I can shove in your fucking face so maybe you’ll pressure the Democratic Party to replace their nominee. Whatever is the straw that breaks the camel’s back is good enough for me. We haven’t had a Convention yet! There’s still time to replace him! If you don’t, he is absolutely going to lose and it won’t be anyone’s fault but Biden and his blue MAGA cult.

  • I’m not “giving up”, I simply recognize the situation for what it is. I’m a realist, not a delusionist. Our situation is fucked either way, and the only choice we have is laid out plainly in front of us. We have the option of bad, or worse. I know what I’m choosing.

    You are giving up, regardless of your reasoning. You think good things are impossible and we should just settle for less bad things.

    This only guarantees that the worst outcome becomes inevitable. You create a shield for Democrats to hide behind that allows them to ignore calls from their base, which in turn obliterates voter enthusiasm and participation. When no one shows up to vote for your cynical candidates you have no one but yourself to blame.

    You need to join us in forrcing the Democratic Party to listen to constituents or Republicans are going to win.