quarrk [he/him]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2022


  • Thesis: Nuking your reddit account is good for your mental health

    Antithesis: If everyone nuked their reddit accounts, a lot of invaluable information (especially in niche communities) would be lost, and this would primarily hurt average people and not reddit as a corporation

    Synthesis: Nuking all reddit accounts is good for society’s health. Reddit is a trash website. In the short-term it will hurt, but long-term we are better off moving these communities to decentralized platforms. There are ways to archive the important information from reddit. Reddit thrives off the free contributions of countless users who are paid nothing, and reddit claims ownership and monetizes all content freely published to it. If you don’t like reddit, simply stop posting to it, no matter how juicy the bait

  • Whiteness isn’t fundamentally about having white skin, which is what I assume you mean by referring to Caucasian ancestry.

    The simple equation of whiteness and having light skin might be approximately true inside the US because of the whole slavery thing. The influx of African slaves prompted the Europeans to reconcile their ethnic differences on that superficial basis alone. But that didn’t erase racism between nominally white ethnicities. For example, Italians and Irish people have not always been accepted as white in the US.

    The basis of racism is the categorization of certain peoples into pseudo-scientific races, and Europe has a long history of excluding Slavic peoples as a distinct race from the “civilized” western Europeans.

  • It has more to do with acquiring a stake in the neoliberal status quo. Those who say life makes you more conservative are almost always older white people who stand to personally lose if their privilege goes away.

    A worker who spends 40 years throwing their retirement into the stock market (401k) will be less willing to throw that away for a better future for the next generation. Earlier in their career, they may have been more willing to challenge the status quo and their own ideas because they had less to lose.

    The bourgeoisie has a strategic interest in keeping western workers in a petty-bourgeois or labor-aristocratic mindset.

  • Is this true in the non-English-speaking world?

    Mao wrote the notorious “Combating Liberalism” essay, but I don’t speak Chinese, so I can’t verify how direct that translation is. It is possible that the original text referred more generically to bourgeois ideology, and not specifically the classical liberal movement in western Europe.

    The poster is confused why the term liberal is used so often in English Marxist contexts, so it seems plausible that non-English Marxists do not often refer specifically to liberalism.

  • I mean whatever is meant by collapse of the US. I would presume that includes economic decline, geopolitical weakening, reduction or disappearance of military presence in other countries.

    If, according to Lenin, this collapse could happen in a relatively short time, then how would Americans react? That’s what I was pondering. Just some half baked ideas.

    I think it will take time for Americans to accept a reduced prestige and standard of living. If it happened overnight, I’m speculating that Americans would not tolerate it and be more likely to lash out violently, compared to a protracted, almost imperceptible decline. But I can totally see how the opposite could be true, that if people can see the slide happening, that it would be more upsetting than if it happened all at once.

  • That Lenin quote,

    There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.

    applies here. It’s hard to gauge exactly when it will happen. But when it does, it will be rapid.

    It depends a lot on the timing of certain things external to the US. For example, Ukraine and Palestine; China’s movements; the upcoming Indian election; future EU elections which could either move more reactionary or (optimistically) people start to grow tired of taking Ls for the US; climate change; anti-colonial momentum in the Sahel alliance of Africa; etc.

    To be honest, the safest overall course of action may be for a gradual decline instead of a rapid one. If the US fell within one generation, people won’t accept the new reduced standard of living and are likely to still hold American supremacist / white supremacist ideas. That would increase the odds of a world war. Whereas, if the US just gradually gets shittier over a generation or two, then maybe people will understand it as an internal systemic breakdown instead of an external attack.

  • Same cognitive dissonance that prevents libs from understanding why communists either supported or were a part of every progressive movement of the last 150 years. It’s not an accident that communists were a century ahead of the left-liberals on race, gender, religion, antisemitism, and imperialism, in addition to their bread-and-butter of labor movements.

    The Soviets in particular advanced the rights of women both in ideals (see the USSR constitution) and in practice (women in STEM increased significantly). The empowerment of women in the Soviet Union was so self evident that it spawned the movie trope of the headstrong, independent Russian woman who can’t be wooed by James Bond or some other “gentleman”.

    It was the Bolsheviks who saw the reactionary character of antisemitism, which during the Russian Empire was especially horrible.

    ”It is not the Jews who are the enemies of the working people. The enemies of the workers are the capitalists of all countries. Among the Jews there are working people, and they form the majority. They are our brothers who, like us, are oppressed by capital; they are our comrades in the struggle for socialism. Among the Jews there are kulaks, exploiters and capitalists, just as there among the Russians and among people of all nations. The capitalists strive to sow and foment hatred between workers of different faiths, different nations and different races. Those who do not work are kept in power by the power and strength of capital.” — V. I. Lenin

    The communists historically have been a driving force for positive social progress. Liberals co-opt these gains as products of their own enlightenment, either consciously to deny the communists a win, or unconsciously because they don’t have a theoretical basis for understanding historical development.

  • I used to help with the 101 commie subreddits until one of the powermods banned me from all of them (yes one user was a mod of several subs).

    I never posted anything particularly sectarian because I honestly didn’t have the energy to go beyond questions with unambiguous answers.

    I’m pretty sure the thing I got banned for was saying that I don’t care if we call it socialism or communism; that both terms are quite old, so they can technically have definitions inconsistent with Marxism.

    Anyway it was at that point I think I really gave up on reddit as a whole because I had no other purpose to be there.