yup. to use a little southern US crudeness - we shit the bed and are preparing to roll in it.
…just this guy, you know.
yup. to use a little southern US crudeness - we shit the bed and are preparing to roll in it.
have used briar. it works and will be a vital tool. get your peeps to install and have it at the ready.
not religious either, but this touches on the most elemental parts of everyones humanity. well worth the time to read and share. thank you for posting.
thank you. same situation and will be doing the exact same thing.
ahh, yes. the grimace of the fake smile.
you would.have thought these throughly damaged human beings in the public light would have figured out how to convincingly fake it by now. guess thats either no longer needed or impossible for them to pull off.
I am concerned here. both an email address and mailing address are identifiable, so is the credit card transaction - which is arguably more permanent than the other two items. I have no idea what the data retention policies of each provider might be - one can hope its absolutely minimal with permanent deletion after shipment.
please be ultra careful when you obtain medication you need; the zealots now have state power behind them and recent history has shown they are willing to use it.
as the OP above poster suggests (and my uninformed opinion agrees), pre-ordering is likely the best option so there is no immediate connection between the order and a medical event.
the most sickening thing… I hit the PlanC site via Tor - something I would never have bothered doing before, but now something I would advocate for everyone.
I feel physically ill by this.
edit: correct thread attribution.
just tell them “yes!”. they will figure it out :-)
like ‘bush the lesser’ said, “you have to catapult the propaganda”.
because you have more than a modicum of humanity inside you. ❤️
as long as evidentiary screenshots are good to go, I am 110% down with this. starve the beast of whatever traffic we can - cut links to hate sites.
Craig was thought to be vital to bcash by none other than “bitcoin (cash) jesus” himself, roger ver. the project allowed a snake in because it was so intent on being thought of the “real bitcoin” and opportunisticly believed a fraud could help them get there. you dont get to distance yourself from that mega-SNAFU, sorry.
so excluding the non-economic activity on the chain (you know, like the social media junk), how much actual financial activity is there? every time look I see empty block after empty block after empty block.
not interested in getting into scaling flamewars on this thread, the dubious use a chain for something other than pure financial activity or any other other questionable technical decisions made by bcash devs over the years (zero-conf anyone?!). just saying that project choices have rendered this chain toxic to a host of cryptocurrency users and onlookers for all sorts of reasons.
so how is craig wright doing these days? bcash lost every shred of credibility it might have had the moment that fraud was welcomed into the bcash fold and given some undeserved legitimacy.
while your technical info is correct, your chosen project is just a series infighting chain forks waiting to happen - again!
agreed. “boofing” that scotch is gonna tear up his insides. :-/
always has been.
“The legalisation of same-sex marriage uplifts our dignity,” Sumalee told AFP.
jfc. what a world.
For most Americans
I feel that this somehow requires a “sane” qualifier.
hes using the words we use to name and identify things as a wedge.
can his fucking cholesterol congeal a little faster please.
thank you for the correct usage here. someone can tell you whatever they want, but when they show you, you know. he showed his fascist ass to the world. lets tar and feather the SOB with it and paint them all with the same fash brush.
edit: redundant word.
repeated words lead to ideas which lead to changed thought processes. we have witnessed this with the rapidity of an intravenous injection since 2016.
we cannot hope to take control of the zeitgeist (yeah, I went there) without pushing back hard on words and ideas. “america hates nazis - do you love nazis?!”. now go out and repeat it ad nauseam. I am doing it.
rally round the family; pockets full of shells.