You can stop it any time you like
But you can never leave
You can stop it any time you like
But you can never leave
The only thing that carried me through rough times was a hobby where I regularly meet a group of people for sports. Then you live so you can go there again the next week.
Unrelated but does Eternity correctly support Links now? (to comments / threads)
This drove me to Jerboa, but I prefer Eternity’s UI so I’d be pleased to go back if that’s fixed.
But… but… what about infinite growth??
At least in Austria the first e in Mercedes is much closer to e than to ä.
On the other hand many actual ä are also much closer to e than to ä in Austria so ig it might be different in Germany.
I like to say that there was a bad side and an even worse side, so I’m glad the bad side won.
Wasn’t Trump banned from Twitter
You’ll remember that the Jews weren’t the only people the Nazis targeted - they weren’t even the first.
To add context: in the KZ Mauthausen (don’t know numbers for other KZ) only 20% of the people were Jewish. Most were Slavic, some other minority, political opponents or (basically also political opponents) people who refused to comply with the regime.
But then there’s also the seven heads (seven trump headquarters), getting shot in the head thinking it’s fatal but surviving seemingly through a miracle, the ones about his relations to the kingdom to the south, resulting in criticism from the north and east etc
Of course it’s coincidence (at some point there just has to be someone who can be accurately described with these prophecies) but it’s still very interesting
I don’t believe in the coming of an antichrist but damn, why do so many prophecies written two millennia ago point to one specific person, especially when those prophecies are so specific
I like to read the biblical texts as texts you have to interpret. Basically like fairytales and fables are in versions that aren’t from the brothers Grimm and especially Disney - they often were used to carry points that wouldn’t have been tolerated by authority if they hadn’t been covered like that, or simply to tell about some aspects of life.
When reading it like this the Bible is an extremely interesting book, and I’m saying that as an atheist.
It’s the result of colonization.
I’m using Firefox as my only browser. If everything works in Firefox that’s fine for me.
That’s the best advantage of only making websites / web applications for fun (for friend groups, video games, family etc)
The issue is that internet politics are often viewed from a USA-centric standpoint. When I say l’m neither left nor right (because it depends on the topic, as explained above) see memes like that come up. Although my economically right views for my country would be far left from an US-american standpoint anyway.
(Self-quoting my comment you replied to)
I’m from Austria, we have a functional social system covering healthcare, schools, universities and similar, but due to decades of regulations it is now extremely complicated and needlessly inefficient and therefore expensive (my father is a doctor so I have quite a bit of insight in the inefficient system).
Although, I’m confused what you mean by making a business easier to create,
We have so many regulations for everything, it’d be great if we just were able to create a business online within like a day. Currently we’re losing quite a few start up founders to other countries and our economy has entered recession.
and what that has to do with pensions and putting in more than 1/3 of a business’ operating budget into pensions. Seems like an unrelated issue.
In our very recent election one of the main points of our strongest left wing party was that they want to further increase the budget for pensions (“if someone has worked their whole life they should be rewarded for it properly” - 60+ is by far the biggest voting group…), and it’s pretty obvious that the current system doesn’t work (that’s why so much of our general budget has to be added every year, and more every year).
Our system works in a way where the working people pay for the people who are currently in retirement and when we are in retirement the new workers will pay for us. This system was established after ww2 when there were few old people and many young ones, so… 5? iirc working people were paying for one in retirement. Currently two are paying for one in retirement, and the trend is heading towards one paying for one in retirement.
We need a rework there to update it for today’s societal structure instead of promising people to add even more of the general budget to pensions (…populism to get 60+ people to vote for them).
Elder blossom syrup?
Economically I’m leaning right - I want the state to provide free healthcare, schools, universities etc but founding a company has to be easier, we can’t afford to keep pouring 1/3 of our yearly budget into pensions on top of the budget for pensions etc.
Socially I’m leaning left - I don’t care at all if someone is trans, homosexual, whatever, and want men and women to have equal rights.
So I am neither left or right. And there also is a party that aligns with most of my beliefs (and is against some others but there never is a perfect party).
The issue is that internet politics are often viewed from a USA-centric standpoint. When I say I’m neither left nor right (because it depends on the topic, as explained above) I see memes like that come up. Although my economically right views for my country would be far left from an US-american standpoint anyway.
Wouldn’t e halfway to a be ä
The short e in Mercedes is much closer to e than to ä
Given that the phone didn’t have USB-C that most likely means it was from like 2016, so it’s fair to say that it’s time to upgrade. Phones have gotten so much better since then, especially the cameras.
What’s the legal reasoning behind it?