saw this news on r/technology and went to read the comments. I should know better, such a waste of brain cells
The problem of underdevelopment […] cannot be solved with palliatives, with institutions and technical instruments that emerge out of international conferences. […] it can be overcome only through a struggle against and by total victory against imperialism.
saw this news on r/technology and went to read the comments. I should know better, such a waste of brain cells
I can’t stress this enough: people who work on this project are among the smartest people in the world, damn
He is running Pop Os, they don’t use snaps natively.
Yeah, it can be sometimes. But to be completely honest, my workflow is not that deep. I just need neovim, a web browser and spotify. Every other application I use runs natively/smooth on Wayland, so no problems there. My biggest grip right now is that I can’t change input methods on the fly for some reason, but I’m sure they will address it at some point.
I’ve been daily driving for a couple of weeks now, its been great.
I really like the xiaomi redmi line. I bought the 9S in 2022, when it was already considered a kinda of an old model, and it still rocks.
Huawei makes excelent phones, but that google service blocking stuff really gets in the way, specially if you need to use banking apps.
could agree to forgive part of the debt in exchange for the resumption of interest payments of up to $500 million a year
That is fucking insane, specially for a country of that size. Their economy before the war would be shaken as fuck by interests like this. I cannot imagine the pain this country faces ahead.
we just keep on winning. cant wait to be on a fbi watchlist
Sounds really exciting. Honestly, I can hardly see any downsides of aggregating Rust into big projects (respecting the developing time, of course).
I like FlorisBoard, but for some reason I cannot make the chinese input to work. Typing in 拼音 just doesn’t give any results. Maybe I’m just setting it up wrong tho
I mean, they are searching for almost full disassociation from android at this point, so I don’t see why they would seek that. Pretty sure once they fully port the biggest apps used by chinese netizens (微信,微博,小红书, etc.) people won’t care about apks.
The country is officially dead. They will never be able to even remotely pay that in its entirety.
I always expect the worse from them, honestly
One of my favorite things ever is to see old communist propaganda on ins. All of them are really good
Cant wait to have phones/headphones supporting it
if you think that is bad, wait for when uncle Sam comes for that debt pay out
Boric never fails to disappoint me
You can log in in the browser too, maybe its the way you created the account is the problem. I use mine with weixin and I can log in just fine