That’d only create a black market and illegal hunting. No one needs a polar bear fur rug / coat.
That’d only create a black market and illegal hunting. No one needs a polar bear fur rug / coat.
There are links all over the article
WWF said in a 2013 statement: “If, at some stage in the future, polar bear populations become so diminished by climate change and habitat loss, and/or if international trade presents a greater threat, we would want to revisit the Cites listing issue. But we’re not at that point.”
Yeah lets wait until it’s too late for the species
I thought it was Mark’s outie, hence him not giving a fuck about Irving (because he doesn’t know him)
Sinalco is made in Germany afaik, and it has coke/orange/sprite flavors with zero sugar variants. Also cheaper than Coca Cola
Show them this: https://techcrunch.com/2025/01/22/whatsapp-wins-reprieve-in-india-over-user-data-sharing/
The dispute began when WhatsApp required users to accept expanded data sharing with Meta’s platforms or risk losing access to the messaging service. While European users can opt out of such sharing, Indian users cannot — a distinction that regulators found problematic.
Meta doesn’t know what you’re talking about, because WhatsApp is e2ee. But they know:
These are all valuable metadata and given enough of it, they can even infer what you were talking about. Target you with ads on their other platforms (but rumors are that WhatsApp will have ads inside eventually)
They can also start mixing their regular drinks (Pepsi) with sparkling water and up the ratio as they get used to the taste. Eventually they’ll be just drinking water.
That’s why Legends Arceus is my favorite game. Catching Pokémon is a joy instead of a tedious activity to be avoided. I hoped they’d keep the mechanics, maybe next game. I even liked lets go Pikachu more than others because it had a different mechanism at least.
what am I missing now that I got as a kid?
Free time. Pokemon games are, and always have been, very slow and grindy. Even in the latest entry (Violet) you need to actively avoid encounters since animations take so long
I install some local adblocker to their devices and they don’t see those ads
Did you miss when its founder sided with Republicans (the current ones, mind you) or are you ok with it?
Why isn’t a simple web search included in the required skillset, I wonder…
Out back of the house, the backyard is closed in by a square of flowers, much like the ones seen in the sky.
Is it p2w? Are there predatory microtransactions?
Credit where it’s due, switch is pretty durable except joy-cons, and they are pretty easy to repair yourself
I switched to themoviedb out of spite
His main point is outright wrong though. Republicans are not better at anti-trust, they’re the big money. Thinking Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos will protect small tech companies is laughable.
He might be born on 1988, although I could not verify this. He started his PhD on 2009, that’d make him 21 at that time, which is not unusual
They reduced the whole mythology to “good spirit fights bad spirit lol” in Korra
It’s not “WWF is benefitting from…”, it’s “WWF helping facilitate trade in polar bear fur, investigation reveals”. “Investigation” here refers to the article published in guardian. The proof is the lobbying WWF did. They’re complicit in allowing this, sadly. Other NGOs stood strongly against WWF: https://ssn.org/app/uploads/2019/03/Cop16_PolarBear_EN.pdf