Fancy copy-paste bot go brrrrr
Fancy copy-paste bot go brrrrr
Growing up, a neighborhood kid did this. All the other kids were scared of him and we all used to hide when he came outside to play. No one knows what ever happened to him…he dropped off the face of the earth after leaving home during high school, and his family moved out of the country a year later. Sometimes I wonder what he ever wound up doing….
“The system accurately reflects what people vote for.” …Boy I have this fun American institution called the electoral college that begs to differ. Trump lost the popular vote but he sure did become president. Further examples? Majority support for the right to abortion in poll after poll but guess what? SCOTIS repudiated decades of precedent and decided it doesn’t exist as a constitutional right, at which point multiple states severely limited the right, often against clearly expressed public sentiment. America is not a democracy and it’s national politics so not serve its people.
Wow, who could’ve ever precicted not vaccinating your kids because you saw your neighborhood drunk stay at home mom who believes in healing crystals “explain” why scientists are wrong was a dumb decision that would lead to this ?
As if we needed further proof that that man is a lunatic and a moron.
Genuine question: what alternative would you recommend? I was planning on buying a few for various projects next month with my next paycheck but now I’m not too keen on funding them.
I can’t wait to have to pay a subscription fee for some aspect of it.
No their ads told me they’re the heroic guardians of my privacy.
This is the type of high-brow conversation that keeps me on Lemmy.
“You will love the cloud and we will sell everything you upload to it. You won’t own your data, OS or hardware when we are done.”
This is basically trying to save face. They may as well say “no really, all you plebs shouldn’t hate us! It’s not our fault we’re rich and don’t pay taces!” Because they can feel now how bad things are getting and how much worse they’re likely going to get as the decade unfurls
And that’s how Twitter was born
I’m gonna third AMG! It’s one of the few review sites that I think has consistently good reviews of a decently wide array of metal. And I’m not just saying that because I agree with them…I’m saying that because they introduced me to Blood Incantation. Which anyone unfamiliar should absolutely give a listen!
That is an absolutely incredible description. Gonna queue it up after work!
That’s what everyone I know who sees them live says! I’ve never managed to get into them, but maybe I need to give them another try. Any recommendations on where to start?
Mastodon managed to just confuse the hell out of me before boring me. Take that with a grain of salt, though, because I was never on Twitter. It may be me, not the platform/concept.
Thank you very much for the best diagnosis of this country I’ve yet to read on here! I could agree more, and it’s frankly rather heartbreaking to see people exploited by right wing psychopaths simply because they’re too uneducated to know any better.
No no you guys all don’t understand that this is a good thing because… (let me check my notes…) ….uh…hm…derrr…communism.
Yeah people act like it’s so easy to get a virus but if you’re even remotely competent it’s pretty easy to avoid