So I have never had depression but I am aware that Sertraline is probably the most common. Is there some higher rate of effectiveness it has over the less alternatives with less side effects? Is it just that it’s cheaper?
So I have never had depression but I am aware that Sertraline is probably the most common. Is there some higher rate of effectiveness it has over the less alternatives with less side effects? Is it just that it’s cheaper?
The difference between BMW and Mercedes, and Tesla right now is that BMW and Mercedes are not currently supporting a fascist. Germany went through decades of reform and reconciliation for its fascist choices. America, and particularly Tesla whose CEO is instigating and wholeheartedly supporting the early stages of the current political reshaping, is currently going one inch further into fascism every day.
gitlab er opensource og kan være selfhosted
Jeg prøvede med en anden instans i et par måneder for to år siden, men de lukkede desværre ned. Jeg har valgt at gå efter en EU instans denne gang, fordi jeg nu er bekymret for, at USA går amok med software/internetrestriktioner - ergo paranoia.
Jeg så og brugte min ene hjernecelle :)
In general I feel the same about an occasional dose of ketamine. Any time I feel a general malaise, ketamine blasts all the cobwebs out and gives me a new lease of life for quite a long time.