When I change my filter, I stick a gloved finger inside the new oil, run it around the inside of the filter, and call it good. I haven’t blown up any motors yet.
Reading this comment made something click and now I feel dumb.
When looking at these cars with top mounted oil filters, I’ve always thought “gee, that must be annoying, every time you change the filter it’s gonna dump oil all over the place!”
The filter is empty. It dumped oil all over the inside of the engine. Where it’s 'sposed to be.
That one looking for a password is amazing. It makes me think of teenagers who want to sound super smart and technical about things they know nothing about.
Out of curiosity, what have you started doing differently?
Took a class in college called “college success”, and it was literally a class on just getting your shit together. A lot of the information was stuff that everyone already knows, but having it actually spelled out, defined, and being shown how it positively effects your life was absolutely game changing for me.
SMART was one of the first lessons. I don’t look at the whole acronym for setting goals anymore, but the ones I do focus on are measurable and achievable - it doesn’t do you any good to say, “I want to build my savings up” or “I’m gonna grind hard, take 20 units this semester and graduate a semester early”. You’ll never feel like you’ve built your savings up enough if you don’t have a specific goal in mind, and setting unreasonable goals to “push yourself” will just make you feel like a failure, even if you knew the goal was unattainable (I’ve always hated the “shoot for the moon, if you miss you’ll hit the stars” attitude - I set reasonable goals, and when I achieve them, they are raised. Setting a goal you know you can’t reach is almost always going to demotivate you from ever trying to reach it)
Unfortunately it is pouring rain where I live. Thankfully, the wet weather has lessened the violent tendencies of the lizard people.
Steps for being the class clown:
Disassociate the moment the teacher starts talking
Randomly snap back to the present, absorb the last 6 words the teacher said
Loudly state the first thing that comes to mind
Disassociate again once kicked out of the classroom
Ok, but lizard people ARE real.
The site the article was written for is irrelevant to the community it is posted in. There’s dozens of communities that are aimed towards this kind of content, full of people that want to see it, but for some reason people choose the shitpost community to try to start discussion on something they take seriously.
I understand the rules of the community (everything goes), but God damn am I tired of seeing political news in the shitposting/ meme communities.
Haha, I actually didn’t even notice that on the first look. I saw the spinning prop blades them and BMW were after (though the swastika is another likely design influence)
A “bag” in slang terms is a lump-sum of money. I think he believes that since he already “tried” paying them, but was refused (as it was already with collections), that he is somehow going to be able to turn his debt into money.
Don’t ask me to clarify anymore. I had to hit myself in the head really hard to make that much sense of it.
pub 1993
Oh wow, so it’s been a thing for a while now.
A quick search shows that it is still a thing. However, I’m reading stories from former service employees that are saying that (at least with their company) it was a program, and offered employment to prisoners when they got out, which is good. Not to pretend that it’s a-ok to underpay them while they’re in, but if it gives prisoners a legitimate avenue of employment upon release I can’t shame it too harshly
Hey, nice catch. One of the kid’s hands looks like it has a morphed double finger, while the other one looks like it has the crease of a 6th finger at the bottom of the image.
I don’t think I’m understanding the problem. What are you trying to find? These are the exact results I’d expect to see with that query
Can you explain the joke?
Are prisons running call centers now…? I’ve never heard of this
Fantastic reply. Thanks for taking the time to write it out and thanks again for the insight into the very important work you do.
That’s fuckin sick! Thank you for sharing.